02 16 2020 Blog # 2: Feel hated by other Targeted Individuals


I’m a legitimate Targeted Individual, who’s hated by nearly the ENTIRE T.I. community, for no reason. I’m all alone & have NOBODY. I’ve been blocked & hated by other Targeted Individuals for no reason.

YouTube wrongfully terminated my main channel. I’m trying not to give up. In my experience, other T.I.’s treat me no different than the rest of society. Acting narcissistic & controlling, treating me like I’m mentally slow, with no sense. Like I can’t think for myself. Some Targeted Individuals ignore & avoid me, like the perps do.

I feel like I have NOBODY! What’s the point of me going to any of these damn rallies!?

Me being broke, poor, homeless, jobless, blacklisted, with NO family or friends to love or care for me. No one will care if I die today or tomorrow. Other targeted individuals blame me for my targeting or trying to make me feel like I’m not really targeted. I know what I have to go through every day. Other targeted individuals falsely accuse me of being lazy & not wanting to work, or falsely accuse me of ENJOYING being homeless & enjoying sleeping on pavement & concrete. They falsely accuse me of “telling all my business” & act like they want to silence me. They tell me that I deserve to be locked up in the mental institution!

I have no one to turn to. I fear commenting on other Targeted Individual videos because of fear of being blocked. & that makes me not want to even WATCH.