I always talk about how angry this makes me!
I thought I was the only 1 who felt this way! This fits RIGHT IN, with
what I experienced this evening! I’m too pissed to write about it!
I might edit & add more details later. On another note, speaking of all this, a homeless couple told me, after tonight’s incident, they were OUTRIGHT banned from the movie theaters JUST for being homeless!
Let me go ahead & copy & paste my BAD/NEGATIVE Google review!
Because we TARGETED INDIVIDUALS “ALWAYS” have bad reviews about these
Gang Stalking Perps, right?!
This is the BAD review that I left for the fake Family Dollar @ 8084 N. Davis HWY. here in Pensacola.
“All those times I’ve been to this store, & they wait until TODAY to tell me that I have to leave my bag @ the door. I’ve come there with bookbags & everything numerous times in the past, & they’ve told me NOTHING! & then, they lied & tried to play psych games, trying to say that they’ve ALWAYS had that rule!”
& 1 of those perps was an illegal Mexican Anchor Baby, named “Ramona”. The same name as my retarded older sister! These bitches didn’t CARE that I was gonna miss my last bus! & then the manager tried to play stupid!
Today must be an Illuminati high day, because people have been perping me hard ALL day!
Last, but not least, Google search RICH ASSHOLE SYNDROME!