02 27 2020 Blog #25: Taking it like a (wo)man!


All this psychological & mental assault against Targeted Individuals, & we’re supposed to just take all those punches thrown @ us! It’s VERY hard to ignore & not react, & even WORSE when you’re @ least 3 days TOTALLY sleep deprived!

It’s like having a meltdown when you see a bunch of roaches or rodents put of NOWHERE, & you feel helpless & defenseless on how to get rid of them, & you’re broke for the month (no money). That’s how it feels to me, with TOO many gang stalkers following me, filming me with the funny headlights & taillights & color harassment, & also noise harassment.

Narcissistic abusers & gang stalkers should be prosecuted for their NO-TOUCH torture & abuse that they inflict on their victims, as well as hands on. Loud music with bass should be treated with the same punishment as if a random stranger punched you & gave you a bloody nose! They should ALL be treated as murderers. Why? The Bible says that hate is murder! Plus, this program is associated with murder conspiracy of the T.I., right?