Axe Lionel Short Story

New Orleans people usually say, "axe" instead of "ask".

More New Orleans phrases, if you're interested. The author (Candy Grandpre) is from New Orleans.

New Orleans YatSpeak


A high school Senior, named Kendria is very worried about not being able to graduate because her very evil Calculus teacher, Mrs. Brewton, has it out for her, to try to set her up to fail. Kendria selected advanced courses, hoping to get early college credits. Calculus was 1 of the courses.

Mrs. Brewton is envious of 2 students. Kendria & Lionel. It was the talk of the students that Mrs. Brewton doesn't know how to teach. Mrs. Brewton never liked her mistakes to be corrected. If anyone needed help, Mrs. Brewton would jealously respond, "Axe Lionel! (Ask Lionel)" She would also have either Kendria or Lionel grade papers & teach the class for her. Mrs. Brewton is a bitter, lazy teacher who hates her job.

Kendria & Lionel both admit that they're not know-it-alls. Kendria is slightly behind Lionel in academics. She's supposed to be the salutatorian, while Lionel is the GUARANTEED valedictorian. Mrs. Brewton is trying to ruin Kendria's GPA on purpose. Even the other students don't understand why Mrs. Brewton hates Kendria more than she hates Lionel. I guess she has the potential to destroy Kendria, & Lionel is both untouchable & unstoppable. Maybe Mrs. Brewton sees some competition with Kendria.

One day, after everyone got their last report cards, before graduation, Kendria's parents both prayed about Mrs. Brewton constantly attacking Kendria after she came home sobbing into her father's arms, having a panic attack. Kendria's father, a Christian street preacher, also named Lionel, said that if anyone has a problem with her, they would have to "axe" HIM! (instead of Lionel the student)

The day of graduation came, & instead of Lionel being valedictorian, it was Kendria. Lionel was salutatorian, instead. Both won full-tuition scholarships anywhere in the country. Kendria got 25% more pay than Lionel. Lionel the student was happy for her & had no hard feelings. No jealousy. Kendria's parents' prayers obviously worked. Instead of everyone asking Lionel the student about earthly success with Calculus math problems, they asked Kendria's father Lionel about the effectiveness of Biblical prayer & spiritual success with the way to Heaven. I bet Mrs. Brewton felt like a dummy!