Child Swap

Timberwood: Short Stories Edition Vol. 7

Summertime has come again, & the Timberwood cult has made its rounds for recruiting people to join them. They make more money off of the children with the summer camp programs. On weekends, it's part of the mind control experimentation to separate the children from their original parents & place them with other children's parents. Yeah, they try to copy off of (or have their inspiration from) the reality TV show "Wife Swap".

Sherayna McKinney was hesitant to the new idea (or suggestion) that she would get paid more money to agree to switch her 3 children out with a household of 40 children of her own. All squeezed in 1 house. Her husband, Eric McKinney, Sr., died in Iraq in 2007. He was in the Navy. Sherayna was also in the Navy, but did her time already. Her 3 children, Eric, Jr., Ebony & Evan were forced to go stay by Cassandra McBride Burke. Cassandra had 50 children in her house to "babysit". Her children had to go live with Dynah Simpson's abusive, evil grandmother. Dynah's grandmother, Mrs. Linda had a household of a total of 108 children! Mrs. Linda was elderly & had a HUGE house. She's used to taking care (ahem! control) of so many children.

The narcissistic abusers in the Timberwood cult saw this Child Swap opportunity as more narcissistic supply. Narcissistic people like Cassandra & Mrs. Linda. Sherayna, on the other hand, is not a narcissist. She didn't feel comfortable with this child swap job, but felt highly pressured & manipulated. Her husband, at that time, had recently gotten killed when he was in Iraq. Timberwood wouldn't let her grieve, but instead, used the child swap & extra money opportunity to distract her & her children from their grief & loss. She also felt like she had no choice but to take on this opportunity for money because she felt like she couldn't afford to take care of her 3 children by herself, even with her nursing job. Unfortunately, when her husband died, he left the family in very high financial debt. Sherayna was forced to get rid of her nursing job for the Timberwood cult cause.

Kristina & Tharen HATED that Timberwood forced them to have all 7 of their blended family children to stay with Cassandra. Kristina's son, Greg is SO traumatized by Cassandra's abuse that he's quiet & doesn't even move, for fear of punishment.

Kristina's sister Taschika is GLAD to have Cassandra take care of her kids because Taschika & Cassandra are close friends, despite big age differences. Cassandra treated Taschika's children like ROYALTY, but she abused her OWN children & abused Kristina & Tharen's children.

Dynah's grandmother, Mrs. Linda never got in any trouble from all the times that she would physically abuse, beat, jerk & pinch the little kids. The children's parents were paid to keep quiet. Some of the children reported being raped & molested by some of the bigger kids/teens & adults in the cult.

Many of the children in Timberwood are blocked from going to public or private schools, & they're forced to go to the fake Timberwood cult schools. More indoctrination & brainwashing. Children who have the potential to be highly bright & intelligent, are FORCED to grow up illiterate & uneducated, so that they won't be able to connect dots & question their abuses. Timberwood cult leaders feel like they have an advantage over illiterate, mind-controlled children who are prescribed on a daily overdose of psych medications.

The child swap also makes the children more rebellious & resistant to the mind control programming, just so that there can be order out of chaos & problem, reaction, solution. Manipulating the kids to resist, so that you can have an excuse to control & punish them. Stuff like this is why the children do outrageous things, like setting the cafeteria on fire. It's a cry for help!

The End