Gospel Message With Links

 Please, start TODAY, to trust & believe in our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ, who died on the cross, was buried, & rose from the dead on the 3rd day, was seen on the Earth for 40 days & 40 nights, & ascended into heaven to sit on the right hand of the Father, so that your sins can be blotted out, & you can go to heaven. Get baptized (completely submerged in water) in the Name of the Father, the Son, & the Holy Spirit. Pray every day, read the KING JAMES VERSION of the Holy Bible, & fellowship with other believers. Watch out for cults, false doctrines, & false teachers. Our sins must be repented of, or else we’ll end up in hell.


KJV bibles can be found online digitally for free download, or you can get one for $1 @ Dollar Tree or the 99 Cents Only store. Go to your Bible & read:

-Joshua 24:15

-John 14:6

-John 3:3

-2 Chronicles 7:14

-Romans 3:23 & 6:23

-Philippians 2:10-11

-1 John 1:9

-Psalms 14:1 & 53:1

-Proverbs 22:6

-John 3:16


Get prepared. Jesus is coming back to judge every man according to his works, good or bad. This wicked system that we live in is setting us up for the New World Order & the AntiChrist. Question & pray about EVERYTHING. Don’t take the Mark of the Beast, which is a microchip implant. Share this with family members, friends, church members, etc., as many people as you can.


Truth DVD for Christians





Pt. 4


Trauma-based mind control & ritual abuse collection


Do NOT get the COVID vaccines, wear a mask or take the tests!