Spiritually Vaccinated


*For the fun of it, I'm going to use a few of the names of both the 2021 Atlantic & Pacific Hurricane Season, as characters in this short story.*


Xina, Zelda, Victor & Elsa suspected that they have symptoms of COVID-19. They were reluctant to even take the test, because of all the rumors they've heard swirling around the internet. They are open-minded enough to research both sides. They all attend a Christian church, called "Give You Rest Ministries". Rose, Marty & Kevin were glad that they got their 2 vaccine doses (despite warnings from Enrique & Danny), but Rose & Marty passed away. Kevin got sicker than a dog.

Pastor York got angry & said, "Don't you read your Bibles? Have you ANY discernment!? Now, get a King James PURE CAMBRIDGE EDITION Holy Bible, even if you have to download it online. Read 5 chapters a day & pray. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead & guide you in the right path. THAT is your TRUE vaccination!"

Zelda put her head down & said, "You're right, Pastor York. What if people are taking the Mark of the Beast & not realizing it? Our bodies are our temples of the Holy Spirit."

So everyone else decided against vaccinations, & instead, read their Bibles, prayed, fasted, ate healthy, improved their immune systems & healed. They relied on God, rather than the government.