My Journey to Overcoming Fear

I've been a fearful person, pretty much all my life. I found out that the Bible speaks against fear.

Yikes! I can go to hell for being scared.

Throughout my life, I've been afraid of people & also dangerous animals, like snakes, dogs, bears, etc. 

Crippled & paralyzed by fear. 

I realized that the only types of people who want me afraid of them (or anybody else), are narcissistic abusers. Yet, they're the only ones who tell me not to worry about what other people think. & religious narcs try to bully, harass & lecture me about the "fear of man" or "trusting in man", yet get offended when I don't trust THEM! They make it like, I shouldn't worry about what anyone says, except they want me to value THEIR opinions & expectations of me. 

Many Christian Targeted Individuals said that awareness of this Gang Stalking program has increased their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Me being more educated about Narcissistic Abuse & Gang Stalking has definitely made me more courageous & bolder. I USED to stutter & be afraid to talk, trying to get my story out in my YouTube videos, talking about my Gang Stalking & Narcissistic Abuse experiences. Now, I fearlessly put the perps on film & confront them. I still get sidetracked by fear sometimes, but I'm working on it. Sometimes, the perps try to put my life in danger.

2 days ago, I had to deal with a "fear of man" situation & felt manipulated by a gay narcissistic abuser. I can't say who he is. Smh. & he's YOUNGER THAN ME! 

Narcissistic society expects me, at 38 years old, to fear & obey people 1/2 my age, or even younger. & I'm supposed to fear persecution for daring to speak up & speak out against what they did to me. I end up losing ALL OF MY friends & support, especially when I speak out against the narcissistic popular fake TI perps. & nobody believes me, because the popular fakes have gained their cult following. Nobody on my side, when they're smear campaigning me, lying & twisting everything. I'm not allowed to have a voice.

It took EVERYTHING I GOT, to develop the guts to speak out against the former foster mother Adrienne Felder's abuse & expose her name, without being scared. It's hard to believe that she's on the devil's side. Into the occult. In a cult. A Voodoo witch! I feared her more than any other human being on this Earth. She brainwashed me to believe that she's perfect, good, righteous & trustworthy. She turned out to be a narcissistic, Satanic crook! 

My twin sister tries to copy everything the former foster mother did. She acts like she delusionally believes she's my "handler". 

Here are her videos full of lies about me. You can see this she tries too hard to instill fear & make me frightened.

& another fake channel.

Always has used lies & smear campaigns, to try to induce fear. Using lies or violence to try to control me, like as if I'm an untameable animal! Believe NOTHING she says in her videos about me! Please! But I've exposed her as selling out to Satan & being a perp, & even other TI's side with & believe her. They've betrayed & turned against me, being deceived. Being bewitched. That's a large part of the reason why I don't really have TI's to talk to anymore, like I used to. But most of them are even sold out & fake! 

As you can see, this is a popular fake TI perp who sides with my twin sister, & she tries to instill fear & frighten me, while twisting the truth, lying & smear campaigning me. Turning other TI's against me. She even said that I need meds & have mental issues! & she makes SURE to perp me with the RED! Perping me throughout this WHOLE video!

& another fake TI perp smear campaigning & twisting/lying, trying to bully, frighten, intimidate & discredit me.

Her entire narrative switched about me. 🤦‍♀️😡 A fake hypo-Christian TI perp. Both of them! Masonic sellouts. Why the hell you think they would make over $50K a year, as BLACK women?!

I used to have a lot of phone conversations with both of these ladies. 

& there have been more fake TI perps, regular perps & TI-turned-perps who have made YouTube videos, trying to frighten, bully & intimidate me for speaking out against them perping me. 

Shits Yuckteen K, J Demon Rotten Shit, Alex du Pre', the bully fag cops, etc. try to frighten, bully & intimidate me, as well. I've stood up to them. They're demonic monsters because they don't back down, & they don't have a conscience.

Sometimes, I still get myself tangled up in the fear of being scared of speaking out against wicked things people have done to me. I'm not as fearful as I used to be, but I sometimes feel more fearful/afraid.