The Discovered Secret Website

Timberwood: Short Stories Edition: Vol. 12

Mr. Buddy Herring (His real name is Harold Long) was everybody's buddy. At first, he was an atheist & unbeliever while he "worked" for the Timberwood cult. He couldn't put his finger on why the cult kept everyone distracted with drama & tragedy 24/7. He had a HUGE falling out with 1 of the top leaders, so he went AWOL/M.I.A. on everybody & then created a blog exposing Timberwood, under the pseudonym "Buddy Herring". 

Mr. Buddy had his secret blog for a long time, maybe over a decade, before Timberwood found out about it. After that, he was put on the government terrorist watchlist as a Targeted Individual. After he became targeted, he linked up with other members who wanted to leave the cult. He was secretly breaking into Timberwood's secret prison to help free the members who were unjustly locked up for "disobeying" & standing up for the truth. Eventually, that got found out, as well. He showed Gary Espinoza, Michael McConnell & a few others how to free the enslaved cult prisoners. 

To make things worse, Mr. Buddy stumbled upon a secret database, that Timberwood had, where they listed the names of all of the living prisoners & dead people. This database had a secret record of who was truly dead, & who was imprisoned, but falsely presumed to be dead. Whenever someone would expose Timberwood, the members would drug that person up, make a fake funeral service for him/her, & then throw that person into prison, leaving that person's family members to wrongfully believe that he/she is dead. (Even making fake obituaries.) Then, that person would experience MK Ultra style Satanic Ritual Abuse while in the secret prison. Other members were straight up KILLED! 

The Timberwood cult members falsely accused Mr. Buddy of being schizophrenic & crazy. They locked him up in the mental institution where they tried to kill him. That's when he cried out for Jesus Christ to have mercy on him. Afterwards, they became afraid & let him go. He continued his mission, while being a newly converted believer. He married Francine Giles, whom everyone would call, "Frankie". He, along with his new wife, freed many more people. Frankie was never a Timberwood member. 

They linked up with Kathy Nguyen, another Targeted Individual, who left the cult. Kathy Nguyen wrote personal diaries about the cult since she joined in the 90's. They killed her FOR REAL, once she exposed Timberwood for what it really was & opened people's eyes. Her daughter, Norma feared that she (Kathy) was going to die, so she (Norma) turned to heavy drug use, to cope. Norma has been in & out of both jail & prison numerous times, & also chronically homeless because of her drug habit. Norma would beg, steal, or do whatever it was that she could think of, to get access to those drugs. 

Unfortunately & eventually, Mr. Buddy & Mrs. Kathy Nguyen were murdered around the same time. Consequently, Mrs. Frankie grieved. She was so depressed & hurt, to the point where she couldn't eat or sleep. All she could do was lie in bed. She starved herself to death. Mrs. Frankie died of a broken heart.

Gary & Michael continue on with Mr. Buddy's mission to free the imprisoned, who were severely traumatized. They gave everyone the gospel, baptized people at the beach & helped souls get saved, in Jesus's Name.


***There are some REAL cults out there, who fake people's deaths, & also cults that have secret prisons. This is a fictional short story, warming up for the BIG fiction book that I've been working on. Also, again, bringing awareness & warning people against joining. I was in a cult, & I'm glad I got out!