Buy Me a Ko-fi

Today, I finally started putting the Ko-fi website to use. I could be wrong, but I don't see a whole lot of people on there. They claim to be the original "Buy Me a Coffee" website, & I forgot what country they originated from. This website seems more secure than the other "Buy Me a Coffee" website. I supposedly can block the online perps & only allow my supporters to comment. That was what I was hoping, with this blog. But as I said before, I had to shut down ALL comments on this blog, due to the online Gang Stalkers & their abusive bullying. I wish it was where I can allow only my supporters to comment on this blog. I'm trying to protect & save my mental health, & also trying to make a living at the same time.

On the other BMAC website, I dealt with cyber harassment, Gang Stalking & threats. No one wanted to hear my complaints. That BMAC website didn't have where you could block people harassing you, & the administrators ignored my cries for help & allowed the bullying & threats to go on. I had only 1 post on there, & I didn't even get to make any money at all. 

I actually created the Ko-fi account first, but I started using BMAC. I created both website accounts on the same day. I BEGGED BMAC to shut down my account, & they had no problem doing it. They had a "See ya!" - kind of attitude, like they didn't care. I was traumatized by my short-lived BMAC experiences. The perps got what they wanted. 

Both BMAC & Ko-fi are like a mixture of Patreon & GoFundMe. I created a Patreon account over a year ago, or about a year ago, but I've been scared to use it. I don't know if I can block or report the online narcissistic perp trolls on Patreon. 

I mainly plan to use Ko-fi to post my fictional short stories. On this blog, I will post any & everything. Fiction, nonfiction, blogging, journaling, free ebooks, research, etc. 

Here's my Ko-fi link. I heard that I can get paid & make money there. I hid my financial goal amount, so that the perps would have less to smear campaign & gossip about. They won't respect my boundaries or mind their own business. The perps try to suppress your success & growth. I have JUST AS MUCH of a right to survive & make a living, as anyone else! Oh, & lastly, I'm doing NOTHING illegal, like how they try to make things out to be! I'm NOT breaking any law.

Now, go Buy Me a Ko-fi! Do it NOW! 😹 Just Kitten (Kidding)!