Everyone Has RIGHTS But Me - Blog Version

Reference this video. This video was me having an emotional meltdown after Alex du Pre' tried to set me up to get arrested. When he ran me out of Pensacola, & I was forced to go to Mobile, Alabama the next day. This was on my MAIN "Targeted by the Psych World" channel. I left to go to Mobile the next day, after the video. Alex even Gang Stalked me on the way to Mobile the next day, & I watched him recruit people at the Greyhound bus station to keep a close watch on me & perp me. I have video footage of that, too. They're private because I was forced to make almost all my videos private, in order to protect my channel because Star Bricker kept falsely reporting all of my YouTube videos, trying to get all of my channels taken down. She even tried the same with my Amazon Kindle ebooks. That's 1 of the reasons why I put my ebooks on my blog. I must've accomplished something good & right by publishing ebooks that are now BANNED! Star Bricker even got my MAIN Psych World channel taken down! Trying to silence the truth & silence my voice. I'm NOT holding back in this blog post! Fear of man? Not this time!

Everyone has rights but me!


In this blog post, I'm going to elaborate more on this topic. I will STAND FIRM on MY RIGHTS to have this blog, keep it & post freely whatever I want! No one can take this away from me. That's why y'all perps can't comment! 🤭😆 I'm doing whatever I can, to express my rights to post whatever I want & also protect my mental health. Protect my soul. Because you perps are demonic, & y'all KNOW it! 

I'm sick & tired of narcissistic abusers & gang stalkers trying to boss, control & disrespect me. I'm sick of the psych games. I'm sick of my enemies trying to play "god" with my life! (I put lowercase "g" since they're NOT the REAL God, or the BIG God.) You have NO authority or rulership over me, trying to make your own fake laws, exclusively & specifically for me! It's unfair for me to be forced against my will to live my life according to the narcissistic fake "mandates" from people who don't mean me any good, or people who don't have my best interest at heart. They want to play both lord & oppressor. I'm tired of being hated & ignored! I can see that when I die, people will just shrug their shoulders & show indifference. They will even try to rationalize it by trying to say that I brought it on myself, & therefore, deserve it. Narcissistic control freak fake hypo-Christians will misuse the scripture "Luke 9:60 King James Version Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead" to justify not caring about my death. It would be a shock (but I wouldn't be here to see it) for people to FINALLY fight for or defend me as a REAL TI & speak on MY behalf, if I were to die or disappear. No one will care. My own biological family members haven't even contacted me in over 3 years, & they're not even concerned of my whereabouts. I'm ALREADY dead to them, & they don't consider me as "family". 

People shunned me for speaking out against the human trafficking fake TI perp "DJ". They frowned at me for refusing his cheap offers to sell out & go live with him, but if I was murdered, people would say that I had no business going to travel by him. Nobody wanted to listen to me. I rejected all of his offers. He even admitted that he periodically checks up on real TI's, trying to get them to flip & become a perp. He tried to coerce me into denying Jesus Christ, saying that my religion is not working. His last proposition was June 18, 2021 at almost 3 AM. I never heard from him since. He lost the battle, & I have the upper hand, for once. I remember in 2020, many human traffickers kept trying to make me offers to sell out (Alex du Pre' included), when I was down on my luck & struggling really bad with the homeless situation, & because I rejected those offers, that's when they made the false smear campaigns & lies that I'm unappreciative & waste whatever money that was donated to me. 

When my twin sister hopped on board, it made everything worse. (I'm NOT afraid & I'm NOT shutting up!) I think the online perp Star Bricker gave my twin sister the idea to falsely accuse me of using her (my twin sister's) name for clout, when I exposed & spoke out against EVERYONE abusive from my past who has been involved in my Gang Stalking & MK Ultra programming! Not just my twin sister. Everything she says is the reverse of what's true. So much gaslighting & projection. She's the 1 who has been praying for MY downfall! She's the 1 getting paid to perp & slander me. Other TI's, (even the narcissistic fakes who have betrayed me) said that my twin sister is 1 of my main "handlers". She doesn't rule me! I'm fighting back! My twin sister was NEVER loyal towards me, & she always tried to boss, control & overrule me. She ran me off of Quora & lied, saying that I'm the narc, when it's HER! Y'all can't see that? She even ran me off of Facebook in 2010/2011, as well. She tries to "discipline" & "handle" me like an abusive, controlling boyfriend. Because that's what we grew up around. How the former foster brother Joseph Paul Modeliste, Jr. used to treat women! & how he treated us! She picked up where the foster mother Adrienne Felder left off with the control & abuse. I've already deprogrammed myself from their way of thinking. My twin sister wants me to be constantly reminded of why the world hates me. She's MILITANTLY on a DEDICATED mission to brainwash society to hate me.

At 38 years old, I STILL don't have any "rights" to do what makes me happy! I don't know of any other people my age who get treated like this. I get attacked for even talking about anything positive or good. Such as yesterday! Look at all those thumbs down. Ridiculous! I didn't do or say anything wrong or offensive.


Even other Targeted Individuals (whether real or fake) have more freedom & rights than me! In fact, the faker you are, the more rights you get! They can be considered a "YouTuber", a "content creator", a "blogger", an "author", but I'm not allowed to have those titles. I don't see perps making false bad reviews on all of their ebooks. They get a lot of 5-stars & support. They can do YouTube Livestreams & be free from harassment. They can post up 20 LONG videos a day (if they want to), showing their targeting, but if I do (1) 3-minute video a year, that's videos that's TOO long, too many & too much. I need to just "shut up & ignore". But then the popular fakes falsely accuse me of having "no real evidence" of my targeting, & that I'm just posting up a bunch of time-wasting, useless bullshit that's not beneficial to the TI community. 

I get singled out & treated differently. I'm the outcast amongst a group of outcasts. People say, "Society treats you the way that they do because you're God's chosen". Yet, I'm rejected from the TI community, the Body of Christ & narcissistic victim support groups. They're victims, themselves, yet they don't like smear campaigns made about them. They act on & believe smear campaigns, lies & false rumors about me.

Other TI's can have a job, a higher income, family, children, friends, a nice car, run their own business & get help & support. They don't get shunned for eating whatever they want. They can put up a GoFundMe & get quick help & support, but when I do, I get called a "scammer", an "extortionist", a "fraud", "greedy" & a "beggar". How come other TI's can have a GoFundMe, receive support & exceed their goals? I'm not allowed to make any money off of my short stories or ebooks. 

Other TI's can expose perps, name & shame them & also publicize their phone numbers, emails, physical addresses & license plates. But when I do, I get told that I deserve to get sued for doxxing, defamation, libel, slander, etc. If you're truly targeted, how many of your perps have you threatened to sue? I bet, NOT ONE! Have you ever confronted them about slandering you? I PROMISE YOU that I know for a fact that you never did! It's not slander or defamation if it's TRUE! Your narcissistic fake hypo-Christian mentally slow/off TI perp ass is sitting there defending freemasons! Dummy! GTFOH!

People don't credit me as an author who's trying to survive. They halt that. They don't consider my short stories "work". They make it like as if I'm just a lazy idle beggar who strives to exploit "undeserved profiting" off of other people's hard-earned money. The same narcissistic Gang Stalkers make it like as if I'm too retarded & don't even have the mentality to work. They sabotage my jobs, like Sky Zone! 

Other TI's, who are still being targeted, even join in on the bullying & slander campaigns against me. Such as, this person. (Many fake TI perps &/or TI's turned perps even ADMIT that selling out doesn't stop your targeting once you flip. If you acknowledge that, then why do you still perp? TI's turned perps are supposedly still being targeted. I'm going to refer you back to this site. 

Look at the ENTIRE website! 


I think she's acting like a perp towards me for being bitter towards me for blocking her for making a rude (rude = perp) comment on 1 of my other channels.


Playing both sides. She was one of the people, saying "Don't donate Candy another penny!" She also lied on me, saying that I talk bad about everyone who has donated me money. She said it on this video. She can't try to delete her comments because I have the screenshots! 


Calling yourself "The Regulator" sounds pretty narcissistic, if you ask me!

Why would you do that to another TI, when you know what struggles we have to go through? Did you like it when your perp niece called the cops on you? I bet it caused you distress, huh? Whatever happened to the "Do unto others" golden rule?

This person used to be nice to me on Quora.


But he recently got hateful & blocked me on YouTube for no reason. He always wants to act like he's calling out "fakes", yet he's well-respected & gets treated like 1 of the popular fakes! I never personally offended him or did him anything. He's supposed to be a real TI, though. 🤔 I'm very bothered by this. People always say that TI's need to stick together. Dear Richard Moore, I'm not your enemy! 

I guess these video links below aren't proof enough of ME being a REAL TI! If this or that person wants to falsely believe that I'm a "fake" TI! The perps want me to flip & become a Gang Stalker SO BADLY, that they even brag & admit that they ruined my reputation in the TI community & smear campaigned me, lying & saying, "It's CANDY, who's the Gang Stalker!" As I said before, other TI's don't have any discernment, & then they join in on the bullying fest. That's why I don't believe the fake "Targeted Individuals are God's chosen 144,000" lie. Some people I see, who are actually targeted, I've had to cut them off because they're practicing occultists & outright mock & reject Jesus Christ. I know I'm not perfect, & I'm not throwing stones at anyone here. 










Narcissistic Abusers self-delude & believe whatever lie they want, even when the proof is in their faces.

Even far back as the year 2007, I wasn't awakened to the truth yet, & I even questioned why the VILEST criminals have more love & respect in society than I do. Why they can be a high school dropout, go to jail/prison & have a better life than me once they get out. How they can get straight out of jail with a decent-paying job, & I have a Bachelor's degree & am punished with minimum wage jobs or no jobs at all. Forced homelessness. People have told me that, even with no job experience, I should be able to have a job opportunity that pays AT LEAST $36,000/year! I could've BEEN had even a LUXURY new car, with that kind of money, even if it's financing. I wouldn't have to worry about being homeless or begging/panhandling, struggling to survive. Employers these days don't care about your Bachelor's degree. They only care about recent experience. They want to keep everyone part-time so they don't have to give benefits. All these low wage part-time jobs. People make it like I'm such a failure in life because I didn't play my cards right. I feel like "playing your cards right" is code phrase for "selling out". 

Oh yeah! & Another 1. How come people can expose the truth about the fake COVID-19 scamdemic agenda on YouTube, but when I do, my channel gets wrongfully striked?

This guy can be free to post.


Him & others.

People try to criminalize & criticize my EVERY move! My every action, my every thought, my every word, my every breath. They hate my mere EXISTENCE because I'm seen by society as "retarded". They want me exterminated. I'm sick & tired of everyone condemning & judging me, as if THEY'RE God, when they're not. Everything I do or say is "wrong" or "makes no sense". You act like you delusionally believe that you're "lord" over my life, but hate me. Try to control & police me, yet you don't care about me. Trying to run me off from everywhere. But you're NOT going to run me off of THIS blog! 

When a Narcissistic Abuser can't control you, then they do a 180 degree change of opinion about you & create a fake smear campaign against you. Changing their ENTIRE narrative about you! & then, more people turn against you. When you try to explain yourself or debunk their lies, you get treated as if you don't have the right to do that. Flying monkeys, who are they're OWN narcissistic abusers, have already chosen a side. Your voice is silenced. Before medium.com wrongfully suspended my account, this post was getting a lot of support, traction & respect. I even transferred all of my medium.com posts to my blog, where I can be FREE!

Have a look at this!


I said a mouthful on this video that just got done uploading.


I've been questioning, since I was 15 years old in foster care, why everyone else has more rights & priority than I do. No 15-year old child should have to feel like, "People treat me like I don't deserve to live!" This was in 1998/99 that people used to make me feel this way. My twin sister & other family members have more rights in society & live a more peaceful, comfortable life than I do. They're no less of a sinner than I. How come I'm worthy of persecution & punishment, but not them? I'm forced to live in a prison without 4 walls. For what crimes did I commit? Don't tell me about the false accusations of "crimes"! I'm talking about REAL crimes! Show your tangible evidence & not he-said/she-said!

I'm the only 38-year old who gets forced to obey rules of 14-year olds. Whenever I stand up for my rights, "I" get called the "entitled narcissist". But then I get condemned for being a "doormat". I get treated like a punished child with no simple rights. Who is MAN to take away another human being's God-given rights? The VILEST criminals are granted more rights & freedom in society than Targeted Individuals, who are falsely accused "criminals"!

Tell me why other TI's (real ones who are deceived & fall for the smear campaigns, or fake ones) don't complain about Gang Stalkers making money, profiting off of trafficking & torturing them, but they look down on me as a loser for asking for help, trying to survive. You're not concerned about the wellbeing of another TI? Where's your empathy? 

I feel like the worst person, that people falsely make it like I'm a nuisance & a troublemaker in the TI community & the Body of Christ for calling out Judases, fakes & phonies. Not everyone who says that they're "Christian" is a good person. That's what y'all need to understand! They use the Bible as a front for their wickedness. A false Christian who narcissistically glorifies herself as "chosen", & then starts spouting off at the mouth with New Age rhetoric!

I will GET my justice as a REAL Targeted Individual, one day! Watch me! Meanwhile, keep on joining the "Hate Candy Grandpre" cult! If you want to, you can liken it to joining the fake IDMR cult or the fake Jehovah's Witnesses cult! 🤣🤭
