I'm done venting for the moment

 In 1 way, I finally feel relieved, that I got to vent, journal & release my bottled up feelings, & I was able to realize some things that I was blind to, before. But now, I have to brace myself for retaliation & backlash that I'm not prepared for, by narcissistic abusers & gang stalkers. 

I'm not trying to cause "drama" or complain. I'm TRULY hurt by what I've been going through. I have NOBODY for support. Nobody to turn to. I'm glad I was able to write. This prevents me from losing my temper, getting angry, lashing out or doing something regrettable. I guess I'm supposed to regret exposing the truth about these narcissistic traitors & perps, huh?

Next, I'm going to try to work on another fiction short story or 2. Trying to cope & help myself feel better. I've been journaling almost all day, for the past 2 days, just getting out all of my feelings!