My Baptism Experience YouTube video got shut down by Satan's fans!


I tried to do a YouTube video, talking about my Christian baptism experience, & the psychopathic perps forcefully SHUT my video off & hogged up storage space on my phone. I cleared ALL of my YouTube data, & they did it again! So, I KNOW it was them! Well, I'll just WRITE about my experience on my blog. I thought I would save an immense amount of time, if I talked in a video, rather than blogging about it. I was somewhat almost done with my video, too. 

To save some time, I will edit this blog & post YouTube video links. Smh! (No, you know what? I'll just make a part 2 of the blog post.) I wanted the video to be VERY special. I didn't want the video to be split into multiples. I guess I have to wait all day for the other videos to upload. Maybe I should've done the baptism video 1st. I have other writing projects to work on. 

The Gang Stalkers HATE my Christian beliefs & falsely accuse me of using my Christian beliefs & my targeting experiences as a financial gimmick to scam & defraud, which isn't true. They delusionally believe they have the fake pseudo-authority to try to FORCE me to NOT be a Christian, & then they want to offer & try to coerce bribes to flip, become a perp & join THEM! Some of these online perps are members of cults, anyway! 🤦‍♀️ 

The online Gang Stalker, Star Bricker resurfaced again, & she's trying to cause me anxiety, panic & fear by stalking all of my blog posts, making me not feel freedom to post whatever I want. Well, NO ONE can comment on here! Hell awaits her, if she doesn't stop. She doesn't take my warnings seriously. I'm going to say it on here. I don't care! I cannot WAIT until she dies from the toxic, fake COVID-19 shots & booster side effects! If death is the only way she'll leave me alone, then I'm cool with it. Nobody is putting her antics to a stop. She needs to be put behind bars in prison for the rest of her life. All of the perps do. Other Targeted Individuals say that the perps need to be caught & killed. I try to be nonviolent. I don't condone murder. She's TOO OLD to be trolling people online NONSTOP at 61 years old! Her cancer doesn't even stop her. I just want the abuse to end! She keep trying whatever tactics to get me to commit suicide, & she's upset that she can't succeed.

She's part of that fake Mormon cult, & my twin sister is still in that fake IDMR cult. The fake hypo-Christian flying monkeys are participating in the slander campaigns against me, & they're not even trying to save my twin sister's or Star Bricker's souls from hell & giving them the true Gospel! 

Here's her pretending to be ME, stealing my name & profile picture on YouTube. I'm tired of her keeping me on edge & causing me so much distress! (Well, it looks like her fake account was successfully suspended for impersonating & mocking me.) I wish I knew how to put pictures & screenshots on this blog. It was much easier on WordPress. I'm gonna copy & paste what she said. I'm posting the links of my videos that she commented on, as well as what she said, mocking & harassing me.

"See, I'm blaming all of you for my foolishness! I'll never take responsibility!"

"I can't believe you suckers actually gave me money! Hahahaha I scammed you all! Do you really think I want to better myself? I fancy myself an author when my writing style is equivalent to a first grader. Pfft! Yeah right! A first grader writes better than I."

She had another fake post. I recently came across it yesterday, but now I can't find it, where she falsely accused me of using Christianity as a gimmick. Wait, here it is.

"There I go using Christianity as a gimmick. If I keep this up I could be as crooked as a televangelist."

& here's another 1. She was the 1 who called up fake SkyZone & caused them to have me wrongfully fired & banned for the rest of my life! Waterfront Mission cult plays with my mail, so I won't even be able to receive my tax return from this job! It would be a miracle if I could receive it.

"This is because I was jumping on the trampolines, bad mouthing my coworkers and boss online, and I was being a lazy bone."

So, what! None of your business. All employees were allowed to jump after our shift was over at work. Smh! 🤦‍♀️ I was exposing my Workplace Mobbing & Gang Stalking. How was that "bad-mouthing" my coworkers when I was just simply exposing their perp activity? But it's ok for you to pry into my personal business, stalk, spy, harass me, invade my privacy, call up every Gang Stalking business I expose, to have me wrongfully banned from everywhere. Create lies, false rumors & smear campaigns. That's why you get along with my twin sister so we'll, because y'all are 1 in the same! Something needs to be done with you! You're a perverted, obsessed, sick, disgusting lesbian! You & J Demon Rotten Shit! Strange, how you call me "lazy", yet keep calling up my employers, getting me wrongfully fired, banned & blacklisted from jobs & other places of business.

Every time I expose Shits Yuckteen K (Star Bricker), the harassment gets even worse! 

This blog wasn't ORIGINALLY intended to be about her, but it fits what just happened! They don't want me to be a Christian or believe in Jesus Christ, but Christians feel like I'm not Christian enough. I get hate on both sides! If Star Bricker were to pretend to be fake "nice" towards me, I bet you she'd be the type to try to make offers to get me to sell out, like Alex du Pre', Jessica Ricketts Holness (J Demon Rotten Shit) & the fake TI perp human trafficker DJ. She pretends to be poor & not have much money. She makes it like she wants to manipulate me into fear, & I have to pray harder against her attacks. I wouldn't have stayed at the previous motel or my job as long as I did. I thought she left me alone for a while. J Demon Rotten Shit picked up where Shits Yuckteen K left off at, with the abuse. Both of these sick, diabolical, demented women are trying to be my handler.

They won't respect my boundaries or my wishes to be left alone! Sorry that the original topic of this blog post derailed.