My Writing Experiences


A general overview of my writing experiences throughout my life. 

Of course, we all learned how to read & write in school. Ever since kindergarten, I've been told that I'm "smart". Due to foster care abuse, I was forced into special ed. 

Throughout my life, I've daydreamed a lot. I don't spend as many hours daydreaming nowadays, as I used to. I've always had an imaginative mind. I heard that many people do, due to early childhood trauma & abuse. Less than a decade ago, I heard about Maladaptive Daydreaming. I ended up with imaginary friends as a child, due to social isolation, loneliness & trauma. (I even used to write short fiction stories, based on them, when I was in elementary school.) People associated with those fake deliverance ministries said that those were "demons" & blamed me for my own abuse. Even trying to falsely accuse me of being a "witch", a "worker with familiar spirits" & other things, rather than having some compassion on me & helping me heal from my traumas. Those fake religious narcs! I didn't know what was going on. I was a baby! Some people say that I was suffering MK Ultra or MPD/DID. I even used to act out my abuse with them. 

Me & my twin sister had strange things happen to us as children in the foster care system. We used to have a lot of nightmares. We used to levitate in the air as babies. I believe that a curse has been placed on us because of the fact that we can't get along, & we're not close. To mend our relationship as twins seems impossible. The damage seems irreparable. I'm willing to reconcile, & I would like for our relationship as twins to be equal, rather than her always trying to dominate & control. She has picked up where the foster mom left off with the abuse, & also is a narcissistic, gaslighting Gang Stalker who delusionally believes she's my "handler". Sadly, she has TOTALLY sold out & joined the dark side. She's VERY immersed in it & committed to it! Proof in my blog post below. 👇

Look at this. It somewhat reminds me of what we might have gone through. Possible Satanic Ritual Abuse & witchcraft. We're from New Orleans. Both biological family & foster mother were rumored to do Voodoo. 👇

Copy & paste the link above ☝️ into your browser. (See? If I still had my WordPress blog, you could just automatically click on the link. I'm still learning how to operate this Blogspot Blogger. I don't even know how to add pictures to this blog.)

My first fiction short story that I wrote, was called, "The Bad Cat". I can't even remember what it was about. 😹🐈 I was probably in 5th grade. (I thought I was in 3rd grade.) Even though cats don't like me ( the same way that human babies don't like me, & I LOVE babies!), they've always been 1 of my favorite 😻 types of animals. 

I remember that my 9th grade science teacher teacher, Mrs. Pouliot (I think that's how you spell it. It's spelled "POOL-ee-oh), had us write a fiction story about dinosaurs, & I don't know how she selected me as 1st place! 😂 This was probably before my targeting went bonkers! 

My Gang Stalking experiences started back in late 1997. That was when everyone started saying that I was "crazy". By the time I was 15 years old in 1998 & 1999, & I started being vocal about the foster mom's abuse, people started to say that everything I do or say is "illogical, irrational, incoherent & doesn't make any sense". They started smear campaigning me about being "schizophrenic", but the psychiatrist didn't have that as any of my diagnoses. I suffer unwanted, intrusive thoughts with OCD.

By the time I got to my freshman year of college, I nearly failed English because of some discriminatory college professors that kept saying that my English papers & essays were "incoherent". They kept trying to fail me on purpose. Even the Spanish teachers, once I got past Spanish grammar. I barely made it out of college, & Hurricane Katrina (as well as family abuse & sabotage) made everything worse.

Sometimes, people say that I'm highly intelligent & write very well. I was shocked when someone told me that an email that I sent to her was "very well-written". I've always been considered as very successful with both English & Spanish grammar, but I suck at composition & essays. My major was in Spanish, & I have a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish, yet I'm still not fluent in Spanish, due to social isolation because of my Gang Stalking experiences. Years ago, I gave up on chasing a "Spanish translation" career, due to me being blacklisted from employment. A waste of more than 6 years of college, & I haven't been able to pay a penny back in student loans, due to my forced low income & disability, & being homeless off & on, throughout the years. 

When I was staying in the homeless shelter in New York City in 2006, I made an attempt to write a book, entitled "A Group Home For All Ages", & I remember a little bit of what I wrote. I probably could write a short story, based on that title, rather than a lengthy novel. 😂

In the years, 2007-2009, I used to read some erotica (before becoming a Christian). I wanted to write many different categories & genres of books, but so many people kept telling me that I can't do that. Saying that I can't be an author & write in more than 1 genre. (That's why I'm glad I have my blog. So I can be free to write whatever I want, & I can explore & experiment. I wish I would've thought of this years ago. Since I'm now a Christian, I will not write any erotica nor promote/encourage anything perverted. I will expose or speak against it, though. I also would like to try out writing children's short stories.) I dreamed of becoming a New York Times bestseller. I didn't realize that you have to sell your soul to the devil, in order to get that kind of recognition & success, & that you won't be allowed to have freedom or control over what you write & publish. I guess I'd rather be a free bum than a rich slave!

In 2009, I wanted to write & publish a book, entitled, "The Psych World", to express my abuse & experiences with psychiatry. I'm actually in the middle of working on that book right now. Amazon Kindle would probably block it because of the online Gang Stalkers falsely getting it taken down, like they did with this ebook below. 👇

But now, my "The Psych World" ebook, that I'm working on, will be my personal input of exposing this fake, wicked world for what it really is. 

I attempted to participate in NANOWRIMO at least twice, but I later realized that Satan has his hands on that organization, as well. So, I no longer participate in it. 

Also, in 2019, I began working on my BIG fiction ebook that exposes "cults". Still never been able to complete it, after all this time, because of Gang Stalking attacks & forced sleep deprivation. I attempted again in 2020, & the perps made some of my work disappear + they electronically tortured me. But for now, I have these short story scenarios. These FICTIONAL scenarios are STILL a threat!

My favorite 1 of them all, was this 1 below 👇, & it was long enough, that I made it into it's separate ebook. "The Conference".

In 2020, someone suggested that I write short stories, so I've been doing it ever since. Of course, I get ignored & don't get much recognition. 

I published my 1st ebook on Amazon Kindle in November 2020. The online Gang Stalker, Star Bricker, would write false bad reviews on all of my ebooks, to manipulate & deter people from buying or reading them. She also was the 1 responsible for manually falsely reporting & getting my covid-19 ebook blocked. She tried to falsely report ALL of my ebooks, to try to get them taken down, as well as all of my Twitter Tweets & YouTube videos. She's the 1 who acts like she has the narcissistic fake pseudo-"authority" to dictate that I'm not allowed to call myself an "author". Jessica Ricketts Holness AKA "J Demon Rotten Shit" followed suit.

I just uploaded this video:

But you can see the ebook for free here. 👇

I wanted to give my ebooks for free, but Amazon Kindle wouldn't let me. I preferred for the ebooks to be offered for free, & people could just voluntarily donate. Well, I'm now doing that on this blog. I wish that I would've known that ANYONE could write & publish anything on Amazon Kindle back in 2007! I had a lot of spare time on my hands. It probably could've made me some money. I didn't know until November 2020, that ANYONE can self-publish for free on there. I always wanted to write & publish both fiction & nonfiction. I used to read a lot back then. Funny how I always preferred to write fiction, but read nonfiction. Now, I enjoy writing both fiction & nonfiction. I still don't like to read fiction. 

I can't be friendly with EVERYONE in the Writing Community on Twitter because the popular fakes get so much recognition for glorifying LGBTQIA, witchcraft, Satanism, occult & other evil. I'm not trying to be self-righteous or judgmental. I just avoid people who glorify or promote those things, since I'm a Christian now. I'm not perfect, & I still have more spiritual cleaning up to do. I'm trying to better myself. I even get ignored by the Writing Community, as well. They're not interested in the type of stuff that I write, whether it's fiction or nonfiction. They DEFINITELY don't care about my TRUTH ebooks or talk about Gang Stalking or NWO conspiracies. 

I feel like, even if I never came to the truth, I think (because of me being targeted) that, if I wrote fiction back in 2008, I still would be ignored by society or not get any recognition. Nobody would be interested or care. The fact that I'm SUPPOSED to be treated like a punished child, I probably would've been condemned or shunned by narcissistic, self-righteous freaks (whether they're religious or worldly). I used to like to read Eric Jerome Dickey (RIP), Sharon G. Flake & Zane. I had to repent & turn away from supporting any perversion. I spiritually didn't know any better back then. I get condemned & ostracized by society, whether I do right or wrong.

Other people get to be recognized as an author, but I'm not allowed. I'm not allowed to make any money off of my ebooks. Not even through donations, to survive. If I had enough support, I wouldn't have to be on the streets. I'm trying to make a living off of my writings, but the Gang Stalkers use lies, false rumors & smear campaigns so that no one will want to give me the time of the day. There could be a way where I SHOULD be able to make a living from my blog AND my YouTube videos, but I'm heavily shadowbanned, blacklisted & censored. & the perps want to keep the fake smear campaigns going, lying & saying that I'm a scammer, a fraud & an extortionist, yet have no proof. [They cyberbullied me to mental & emotional torture & depression until they succeeded at getting me to take down my GoFundMe & my Buy Me a Coffee.] People never said that about me before, until recently. Part of the Gang Stalking because I won't join them. The perps are mad that I named names, so that's why they make it like, Candy Grandpre is a sad, pathetic joke of an "author". It's a shame that people get popularity & recognition for promoting evil, but no one wants to allow you to make a living, sharing the truth, unless you're 1 of the popular fake "truthers" who are controlled opposition COINTELPRO!

I'm forced to be unemployed or underemployed, working minimum wage janitorial or dishwashing temp service jobs with a BACHELOR'S DEGREE! Many employers won't hire me. All this Uber money wasted for blank trips to fake job interviews! My writings isn't enough to help me stay off the streets, so that's why I'm forced to do low wage temp jobs & deal with Workplace Mobbing & mental anguish from narcissistic Gang Stalking perp coworkers. Forced to deal with cyber harassment & threats. My writings aren't allowed (by the narcissistic Gang Stalkers) to be recognized as HONEST work!

But anyways, I'm forced to keep my comments unavailable for this blog, to keep down the cyber harassment (to protect my mental health). & no one wants to hear my "complaints". Even other TI's. I'm curious of what feedback my small amount of supporters would have. Even they've turned against me, especially other TI's. I have almost nobody left. Even other TI's can be recognized as a valid author & make a living off of it. They popular fake TI perps get a lot of popularity & book sales because their books use New Age & witchcraft techniques to give false hopes of a "cure" for Gang Stalking, & many people fall for it. Where's the outrage? I'm ex-communicated from the TI community, & many TI's act narcissistic & treat me like how the perps do. Everyone is WEIRD! The betrayal from other Targeted Individuals has me feeling more depressed than the actual Gang Stalkers!

I'm disappointed that it took me ALL afternoon, evening & night to write this blog post! Longer than I expected!