Swirling around the Lazy River

Timberwood: Short Stories Edition Vol. 13

Make the theme at: 

Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center (formerly known as simply "Opryland Hotel").

I miss this hotel SO much! The abusive, fake former foster mother had us in that fake IDMR cult. The last convention was held there in 1999. The former foster mother got mad at me because I didn't want to get a relaxer/perm in my hair. I wanted it to grow relaxer-free. We got into a HEATED argument, & she called me an "ungrateful son of a bitch" & she almost didn't let me go. I'm glad I went. 

-Candy Grandpre


Here's the fictional short story. 

The children were excited for Timberwood to have another annual trip with the summer camp crew. Kristina, the activity coordinator, held a meeting to vote on which city & state everyone wanted to go to. They met together to plan an itinerary, figure out a budget, & talk about some other things. The date was set for June 21 - 28, 2022. 

Thankfully, the cult dropped the COVID-19 restrictions, & vaccines weren't required. The leaders said that they wanted everyone to have a good time, & that they wanted to keep down any medical emergencies because too many people were having bad reactions, getting sick, &/or dying from the fake experimental gene therapy. Some people protested to have the trip last for 2 weeks, but then everyone came to a consensus that, the shorter the trip, the more liberty they can have with spending more money on fun activities. Timberwood bribed the resort people with enough money, that even the resort secretly eliminated the COVID-19 restrictions JUST FOR the cult. The entire resort was closed off to the rest of the general public. Everyone was excited to get to be back to normal again, even if it was temporarily. The trip was paid for by the cult leaders & free to the trip participants. Friends & family (even outside of the cult) were welcome to attend, without charge. Maybe this was a subtle, covert recruitment tactic.

Here were the 5 resort hotel choices:

1) Rancho Valencia Resort & Spa, San Diego

2) The Lodge & Spa at Brush Creek Ranch, Saratoga, Wyoming

3) Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center (formerly known as simply "Opryland Hotel")

4) Vail Resorts in Colorado

5) Yosemite National Park

Everyone chose # 3 because of the kid-friendly indoor water park. 

The day finally rolls around. This time, the trip is not a conference, but just a nationwide get-together. I, Nola Bordelon, didn't have to pay this time. None of us did. Why did my crazy behind give this cult another chance, after what happened the last time?

(See https://gangstalkedcreoleauthor.blogspot.com/2021/12/the-conference.html?m=1)

Everyone is told to meet up at 7:30 AM at the main Timberwood office. We have to go through an intense & thorough security check. The security guards check EVERY nook & cranny of your belongings. Everyone is restricted to only 1 suitcase per person, but women & children were allowed to have a purse &/or diaper bag. After the security checks & checking in, everyone got a name tag ID & had to go follow the cult's very own specialized yellow brick road, modeled after MK Ultra mind control Wizard of Oz programming. Then, we sat & waited in the cafeteria (which contained a Masonic black & white checkerboard patterned floor). See? Even some of the kids figured out the truth! 1 boy got in trouble, because Mrs. Mary Ethel overheard him giggling with his friends, calling it "the bad luck floor". He almost got banned from the trip.

Everyone boards their assigned tour buses & then check into the resort. After we get into our assigned rooms, Mr. Raynard (pronounced ray-NARD) & his wife, Mrs. Mary, pass around $400 cash spending money to each member. They warned everyone to stretch the money & spend it wisely. They said that if all of your money is quickly used up, they're not giving anyone anymore money. 

A guy, named Chancey, knocked on my hotel room door. I was roomed up with Nyoka, Sherry & Sarah. Chancey asked Sarah if she knew the quickest way to get to the water park area. She told him, since she vacationed there numerous times, as a Nashville, TN native. No one cared to get rest. Everyone was excited to go to the water park. Of course, people did other activities, but we were at the water park just about every day (until disaster struck).

One of the days, Sarah kept begging me to go with her to the Lazy River. We went, & then many more people joined us. There were a few guys entertaining us, cracking jokes & making everyone laugh, as we swirled around the Lazy River. It surely was a lazy, laid back & chill day, that day. 

The babies really loved riding the lazy river with their parents. It was calming & soothing to them. It helped cranky babies to stop crying. While we kept swirling & riding, it went from the guys telling jokes & everyone laughing, to us all having a conversation, questioning things & discussing the TRUTH about how grimy & dirty the Timberwood cult is. People were saying that Timberwood has a LOT OF money! People were saying that they knew that Timberwood used this trip as a recruitment mechanism & a trap. There were a few people saying that Timberwood is very demonic & giving them cult vibes. Even the outsiders were saying that. 

Timberwood is militarized, like some other cults. Basically, if you try to leave the cult, they say you went AWOL, just like in the military. Then, the crazy cult throws you into their secret prison, falsifies your death, makes up a fake obituary & then has a fake funeral & burial for you. This was a tactic to scare members & keep them in line, making them afraid to leave. 

Ezekiel was the Judas Iscariot of the conversation. He discreetly got out of the pool & snitched to the leaders. Because of that, the remainder of the trip was put to a halt, & a lot of chaos & drama ensued. It was SO embarrassing! Timberwood forced everyone to pack up & leave early. This was the 3rd day of the trip. 

The children were crying because they were angry about having to leave, & also because they were traumatized & scared because some of the adults were acting gangsta, ghetto & rowdy, trying to fight each other. Some people got arrested & went to jail. Timberwood said that they're not bailing out anyone who went to jail, & they threatened anyone who tried to bail family & friends out. More fighting & chaos happened, & the tour bus drivers kept having to pull over & stop fights on the way coming back from the trip. Even MORE people were fighting after they got to the main building after the trip was over. 

More people were awakened to the truth about what happened, & any blog posts, YouTube videos or social media posts, exposing the truth got shut down. Do you know what that means? Many of the members who woke up to the truth about the cult became Gang Stalked Targeted Individuals. They didn't care. They were no longer scared, & they were able to break free from the mind control programming.