Timberwood: The Short Story Series Vol. 1 (Alternate Version)

Annalise, it’s time to wake up, sweetie!”, says her mother, Jamie.

Then, Annalise says, “Aww, Mama! Why?”

” ‘Cause. Mommy’s gotta go to work. & you know y’all can’t be home alone.”

“Okay, okay, okay, Mama! I’ll wake up everybody else.” “Greg. Wake up. Mama says I have to wake all of us up because she has to go to work today, & there’s nobody to watch us, & we can’t stay home by ourselves.”

“Ooh! Yay! We get to go to work with mama!”, Teddy said, when he woke up & overheard Annalise trying to wake Greg & Angelique up.

Annalise replied, “Oh Lordy, here we go again!”

Jamie said, "Annalise. Don't take God's Name in vain, sweetie".

Annalise dreads & HATES Timberwood, just like her mom does. She’s 7 years old & pretty much has some understanding of how corrupt everything is, because her mother Jamie talks to them about THE REAL DEAL, about how this world operates, without sugarcoating, but she talks to the kids in a way that they can understand, & leaves out the stuff that a 7 year old is too young to hear.

After her husband, Matthew died (was covertly murdered, & it was covered up as a “suicide”), she felt like she had NO CHOICE BUT, to cave in & work back for Timberwood, since she was low on money, & she was blacklisted from being hired to work anywhere else.

So, Jamie gets the kids together for breakfast & then a bath, & gets them ready to go to work with her. They all, as a family, go to the job together. By now, Jamie knows the truth, but feels trapped. Knowing that she & her family are targeted & being gang stalked, she & her current husband, Jason, feel like they both MUST keep working, to avoid homelessness, keep a roof over their heads, & also be able to provide for their children, since they have twin girl infants, Jaslyn & Jamari to take care of. 5 months old.

They gather the children to get in the car, & here goes Jason. “You wan’ drive, bae?” Jamie’s like, “Hell no! You know not to ask me such question.” Then, Jason was like, “Aww…!” So, then he got into the driver’s seat of the purple 2018 Lincoln Navigator, & pulled off. Not far after driving down the street, he wonders how THE HELL did he get a flat tire! Then, it was not much later to be discovered that ALL 4 tires were VERY flat! So then, Jason was like, “See, Jamie? Now, WHY would they do this? Do they want us to work for them, or not? I KNOW it was their asses!”

Jamie responded, “I don’t even care anymore, Jason! I just DON’T!”

Then, Annalise was like, “Yay Yezzo! Good excuse to call off from work, Mama & Daddy”! (All the kids call Jason “Daddy” or “Doctor Daddy”).

But they can’t call off from work because of stuff like, what just happened. That’s why they always NEED MONEY! & Timberwood is doing stuff like this, on purpose, to keep Jamie, her husband Jason, & others, dependent on working for THEM. A vicious cycle.

Jason calls Jamie’s sister, Danasia, & tells her what happened. Danasia sends her co-worker, Shannon, over to give them a ride, & Jason was still somehow able to drive the Navi back into the garage. So, Shannon comes over with a Timberwood-branded 15-passenger Ford Transit, painted purple, with yellow & white writing on it. The van has dark gray seats. Everyone climbs into the van & heads to work.

Then, they exit the van, & Shannon goes to park the van at it’s designated space, while everyone gets all their belongings checked by security @ the entrance, & then Jamie takes the kids to their Timberwood caregivers/babysitters.

Jamie feeds the kids organic, healthy food, that’s unprocessed. & the kids used to LOVE IT, until they got corrupted by Timberwood. The caregivers snuck behind Jamie’s back & gave the kids processed junk, like donuts & Minute Maid orange juice for a 2nd breakfast, because Annalise & Teddy lied & said that they didn’t eat breakfast, but Jamie fed them oatmeal with homegrown organic berries & peach slices, raw honey, & raw milk. Greg is quiet, shy & doesn’t say much. He’s 5. & Teddy is 4 & tries to talk & act like a grown thug, because that was how Matthew acted before he was murdered. Plus the women in Timberwood pushing him up to act like that, & think it’s hilarious, while Jamie is against it. Angelique is 3 now. Just turned 3. She was in her own little world. At least, Angelique just wasn’t hungry or interested in eating the donuts. Greg eats a lot, but was just trying to be obedient to his mom & be a good boy. Strangely, Teddy & Annalise eat light & eat like a bird, just like their Momma. But this day, they just felt like going against MOMMY!

It's SO cute, that Jason & Jamie work right across the hall from each other, while Danasia works in one corner, & Mrs. Vanessa works in the other corner, right next to Danasia. It’s a slow day @ work, even with Jason & Jamie being late because of 4 flat tires. I’m surprised that their bosses didn’t say anything. 😂😂😂😂😂

Since the day was slow, & there weren’t many new people to process or recruit into Timberwood for the day (tomorrow might be more people), it was Cherlonne & Jessica’s idea for all the coworkers to leave their personal offices & go & chill in the break room. Mrs. Vanessa’s younger brother, Nick, was 1 of the security guards in the break room that day, along with Jason’s best friend, Andy. Nick started blasting loud music, & Jamie said, “Wow! If Nola was here, she’d hate this. Her ears are hypersensitive.”

Then she said, “Uh uh! No, Nick! You have the music SO loud, it’s ridiculous!”

& Nick was like, “Who the f*** you talkin’ 2 like dat? I ain’t ‘cha child!” Then, Jason was like, “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Nah (now), brotha, that’s SO uncalled 4! Dat’s my WIFE you talkin’ 2!” Jamie was like, “I’m getting the fuck outta here, man! ALL OF Y’ALL ARE PERPING ME!” So, then, she went back to her office, & the music was STILL too loud, so that she could hear it! & everyone mocked & laughed at her & talked so horribly about her behind her back, calling her crazy & paranoid. Typical workplace mobbing. Then, Jason defended her & said, “I’m gon’ TAKE CARE of MY wife!” & he went to her office to comfort her while she was crying.

“I’m SO sick of this shit, Jason! So sick of it!” She was sobbing & leaning on his shoulder, then fell to the floor, crying, having a meltdown. “I see why the kids don’t like to come here! It’s not worth it, Jason!”

Then, Nick tried to cover himself, to keep his job, & then fake apologized & turned the music down some, & then Jamie & Jason went with Nick back to the break room.

A security guard is supposed to maintain order, not create chaos. But when it comes to Gang Stalking Perps, it’s a different story!

Lunch time rolled around, & Jason’s mom, Mrs. Lavonda brought over a surprise homemade dish of her red beans, rice & shrimp. New Orleans style. Jason, his sister Lisa, & Jason’s son, Jamaal flipped out because Mrs. Lavonda was able to perfect the dish to taste JUST LIKE her husband, Mr. Jason, Sr., who was also murdered by Timberwood. (Mr. Jason, Senior, was never a Timberwood worker, but Timberwood put him through HELL, & he was in the process of putting out a tell all book, based on the weekly support group meetings that they would hold.) (Also, Mrs. Lavonda & her husband, Mr. Jason, Sr. used to have cooking competitions to see who can cook the same meal/dish, the best. What a fun way to spend time with each other, being married!)

Everyone was WEAK over the food, because it tasted THAT good! Lisa was like, “Damn, Mama! Daddy’s spirit must’ve been working through you when you made this, huh? ‘Cause this SHO’ taste JUST like how he used to make it!”

After that, Jason, Jr. chimed in & said, ‘Now all that we needed was that multi-nut pound cake that Daddy used to make.”

Mrs. Lavonda said, “Well, Jason, they didn’t have all the ingredients at the store for the cake, & it wouldn’t taste right, without all the EXACT ingredients. You miss 1 ingredient, & the cake is a failure! Plus, I thought this up at the last minute & was rushing.”

Then, Jason, Jr. & Lisa looked at each other & started giggling, & then both said, in unison, “Alright, Momma! We forgive you!” & Jason said that the meal is incomplete without that cake being dessert, that they would ALWAYS have with that dish, NEVER FAIL!

So, everyone enjoyed the red beans, rice & shrimp, & then some of the employees cleaned up their mess, while others started watching TV. Jamie rolled her eyes, but stayed quiet this time, out of respect for her mother-in-law, Mrs. Lavonda. Jamie is woke to the truth.

4 PM rolls around, & Danasia takes Jamaal, Jason’s uncle Tim (Mr. Jason, Sr.’s baby brother), & the Latin boys, Roberto & Loriano to prepare afternoon snack for the children.

Mr. Tim & Danasia prepare & set up snack time, while Jamaal & the 2 Latino guys pass out & serve the snacks to the children. They had peanut butter on pita bread, with a piece of chocolate candy, & a small paper cup of 4 oz. of milk. Then, everyone clocked out & went home.