About This Blog

Lolol! I know that this probably should've been the very 1st post of this new blog that I created before the New Year, right? I'm now on blog # 276. I started this blog on 12/30/2021, as a result of being wrongfully striked on YouTube, & also because of being wrongfully reprimanded from medium.com, because I can't say SHIT about the fake COVID-19 scamdemic! Truthers joke that the Russia/Ukraine war ended the fake pandemic. Yet, certain companies still force you to wear a fake, stupid mask, even after the CDC lifted the mandates! Narcissistic criminal control! Even after the fake COVID-19 scam is over, & some people are either poisoned or dead from the fake gene therapy! I may have to end up saying bye-bye to Social Security. 

I never heard of blogging until Myspace in 2006. That was my 1st blogging experience, & I used to blog all the time. I had another blog that I had in 2008 & 2009. I won't mention the link because of the gang stalkers hunting for & wanting to know every little detail of my personal business. Besides, certain posts are too embarrassing, & they'll use my past mistakes & sins, that I've repented from, as a weapon against me. I also had a WordPress blog almost a decade ago, but I forgot the link. I used to have a WordPress blog in 2020, http://www.targetedbythepsychworld.wordpress.com blog, & I got frustrated & took it down because of many other TI's ignoring me & making me feel like I'm talking to a brick wall. Now, I'm not even blogging for them. I'm doing it for ME! I gotta get my emotions & feelings out SOMEWHERE! I don't care who reads this blog! 

I had just gotten this blog, & I'm shadowbanned already! But then again, I heard that my blog is still too new & needs more time to crawl & index. Also, I read that I need to post a whole lot in order to draw traffic. The only few of my blog posts that show up on Google are the ones where the perps think I'm SUPPOSED TO look "crazy" or be "embarrassed". But guess what! I don't have anything to be ashamed about for telling the truth! All I know is that I have control this time, & NOBODY can comment on here, due to the gang stalkers! I wish it was where I could allow my supporters to comment, if they wanted to, but it's set up to be either all or nothing with Blogger/Blogspot. 

I'm still learning how to operate this blog. I don't know how to make my links hyperlinks on here, & I don't know how to embed pictures & videos. Everything was much easier on WordPress, but the only disadvantage was that I was forced to see the gang stalking harassment comments. I could've rejected them if I wanted to. I could reject WordPress comments, but even seeing their abuse brings me down. That's why, with this blog, NOBODY can post anything! The perps would keep trying. I don't accept abusive comments on any of my accounts. I try to block any opening for these perps, to protect my mental health. I can't even do YouTube Livestreams anymore, really. I can't plan them in advance, because the perps are lying in wait, with fake new accounts to harass because they know I have them blocked on their real accounts. I have to do a random, spontaneous Livestream. & even then, I could never concentrate or focus because I get nervous about having to brace myself for the abuse. 

Now, about this blog. I couldn't get this blog monetized. They rejected my request for Google Adsense for whatever reason. I put up the PayPal donation button, but I don't think I got a penny of donations or tips, specifically from anybody just reading & stumbling across my blog. It's ok, though. Despite me struggling, I didn't originally intend to put up this blog, just to get money. I thought it would've helped my situation. I thought I could make a living off of my blog & my writings, which I have every right to (& the psychopathic perps have NO RIGHT to try to hinder me!).

I got the Ko-fi, & the online perps can't harass me on there, like they did Buy Me a Coffee. I wish I would've known then what I know now. I mainly use Ko-fi to post my short stories & a little bit of other art & pictures. I don't put much personal stuff, like I do on here. I got a lil' money on Ko-fi. (Thank you supporters.) My writing must not be too bad. I write & self-edit all of my work. I know I'm not the best at it, but oh, well! I've seen worse writers than me sell books & ebooks. I'm not too picky about people's grammar, as long as I can understand what they write.

Ok. So, ABOUT THIS BLOG! What I do on this blog is, I journal. Open journal/blog/diary. (Some people frown upon that, but if you don't like it, you don't have to read it.) This blog doesn't have a specific niche, like (say) travel bloggers or something like that. You can look at the sidebar & see the multitude of topics that I talk about. Narcissistic abuse & gang stalking go hand in hand. I posted my 5 non-fiction ebooks on here (even the ones wrongfully banned from Amazon Kindle). Hey, did you know that Candy Grandpre is an author of BANNED BOOKS? I section each topic in different categories. Instead of posting volumes & collections of my short stories, I just posted each one individually, so that it could be easier for people to read, rather than several short stories on 1 page, & then people get confused. Because I know I would get confused. 

Boy, I tell ya! People are so narcissistic that they feel like a 3 short paragraph short story is "too long", yet they complain about me not having enough character development. How about, you go & publish a book, & THEN come back & tell me how to write! Ok? The psychopathic gang stalkers can't even write, type or spell, themselves, & they just want to criticize & be cruel. Their opinions about my writing aren't genuine because they have a well-rounded issue with me as a person & hate everything I do or say. I get positive reviews from people who don't know anything about me & can give an unbiased, fair opinion on my writing & maybe some constructive feedback, if need be. Or my few supporters, before their minds become tainted with the smear campaigns about me, they like my YouTube videos & my short stories. 

Oh, yeah! & don't expect this blog to always be "proper" & "formal" because I'm from New Orleans, & I may use some ebonics &/or slang occasionally. Especially with my short stories. Doesn't mean I have poor grammar, dumb gang stalkers!