Harassed & threatened on my new fundraiser already!

They make sure I get harassment before donations!

Sad thing is, I can't delete them, so I will keep screenshotting & exposing.

Don't tell me to ignore!



Dear Candy,

Young Lord viewed your campaign page 'Homeless Targeted Individual Fighting To Survive' and sent you the following message through the website (https://gogetfunding.com).

The message:

"You are a liar! I will see to it personally that you'll never open another fundraiser again!!!"

Their email: nanayobiznatz@gmail.com

To reply to the sender simply reply to the email address provided above.

Kind Regards,

The GoGetFunding Team

Dear Candy,

Young Lord viewed your campaign page 'Homeless Targeted Individual Fighting To Survive' and sent you the following message through the website (https://gogetfunding.com).

The message:

"You're finished Peter Potamus"

This seems very much like that hell-faced ugly crazy dirty demon Alex du Pre'!

Update: I figured out a way to block comments & messages. You're NOT going to try to drive me to suicide!