My Experience With Wearing A Face Shield

Even though the mask requirements have been lifted in Pensacola for nearly a year, certain brainwashed narcissistic fake businesses still demand them. After hearing that masks even contain graphene oxide, I fee troubled. So-called truthers say that there's no excuse. I was bullied, forced & coerced into wearing a mask, against my will, just like many other people. 

I already said that I never wanted Social Security/SSI in the first place, but the fake foster mom & social worker forced me against my will to have it, so they can rob me of my back pay lump sum. + the foster mom was robbing me out of my monthly Social Security check, which was the bigger check, & leaving me with the smaller SSI check. That's why I'm in this mess! Homeless blacklisted Targeted Individual. They expected me to be dependent & "retarded" forever!

I said that I'm NEVER wearing a fake, stupid mask ever again! I was forced to compromise with the "mask" in order to keep my Social Security check because of my homeless situation, & the fact that people aren't really helping me. So I got a face shield. Well, I'm not getting the test or vaccine in order to keep Social Security. There's going to be a time where I will have to let my Social Security go. I probably shouldn't have even worn a face shield just for the appointment. I probably should have just let the measly $837 crumbs go. Come to find out, the face shields & masks are made in CHINA! Cognitive dissonance. Why, if America professes to try to "protect" us from China, are they forcing us to use "protective" equipment from CHINA! This fake virus thing is a joke. 

I debated on whether or not to even go to the fake Social Security mental health evaluation last week. Of course, they gang stalked me SUPER HEAVY! The brainwashed fake doctor narcissistically DEMANDED it! So, this time, I wore a face shield. I still can't breathe with a face shield, & it's a nuisance on my face. I can only 1/2 breathe with it on. Also, it fogs up & clouds your vision. What if you're breathing in graphene oxide with the face shield, or what if they put graphene oxide in chemtrails, medicine, food, water, etc.? Is graphene oxide an upgrade from fluoride?

The mental health evaluator even asked me if I have autism, because of my hypersensitivity. See there?