My GoFundMe Prohibited Conduct Explained

Why weren't my previous GoFundMe campaigns "prohibited conduct*?

Gang Stalking! I should've kept the other 1 up. I'm mad at myself. The perps bullied me to take the previous GoFundMe campaign down.

So, I found out that the reason why GoFundMe took down my campaign for "prohibited conduct", was because of the psychopathic Gang Stalkers falsely reporting my campaign for "fraud & scam". It was within about 24 hours. 

Now, the hell-faced ugly crazy dirty demon Alex du Pre' was threatening to have the GoGetFunding taken down. Of course, they taunt & harass me, bragging, mocking, bullying, harassing & laughing at me. 

They fraudulently & falsely reported my GoFundMe campaign as "scam", & GoFundMe is saying that I can't get that campaign reinstated. 

Here's my explanation video.

I thought that GoFundMe took down my campaign for speaking too much truth about "conspiracy theories". I felt devastated & depressed. 

Here's my new fundraising campaign. I'm not sure if I posted it, but here it is again.

Here's someone else's GoGetFunding link. It's a MUST-READ!