Well, you ain't got 'ta worry'bout ME no more!

Yeah, so much for "Targeted Individuals" are empaths & God's chosen elect. 😞🙄

I've come across targeted individuals who are narcissistic, HARD & mean, just like everyone else in society. Y'all already know that I'm even hated & unwelcome in the TI community. Perps receive more grace, mercy & forgiveness than I do. I'm a FELLOW TI! I get treated like I don't have a right to call myself a Targeted Individual, & it's more agonizing that I'm still being tortured & abused. 

Many TI's, whether real or fake (I didn't say EVERY TI!), hate my guts & try to discipline & handle me worse than they do their perps. 

I get treated the same in the narcissistic abuse victim community. Ask Quora & Facebook!

Also, I get treated the same in the Body of Christ. Ask any church I've attended or any online Christian message board.

See? Back then (before finding out the truth), I used to kiss people's ass & chase after them, wondering what I did or said that was offensive to them. Asking people, "Are you mad at me"? Or telling people, "I didn't mean to offend you." I still, every now & then, find myself doing that. 

By the time I turned 25 years old, I mostly quit kissing people's ass, who didn't want to be bothered with me, & I just started cussing folks out. I didn't know they were narcissistic abusers &/or gang stalkers. 

I guess, me trying to better myself as a Christian, I'm working on trying to better myself. I still cuss people out, sometimes. Especially the gang stalkers. I also read in the Bible about trying to work things out with people, if there's an issue. Professed Christians, these days, are even unmerciful & unforgiving. They refuse to try to talk issues out. 1 mistake, & they count you as an enemy to be avoided forever. You're not given the opportunity to correct your wrongs. They're rubbing their hands together, WAITING for you to "reap what you sow" or get your (New Age term) "karma". 

I'm afraid that, if I mention the incident that happened a couple of days ago on YouTube any more times, then I might lose my subscribers. I don't want them to be annoyed at me for keeping on bringing it up. So, I'm coming on here to vent. Yes, I'm still bothered. The lady may be a real targeted individual, & I see that she's heavily targeted, but she BETTER NOT DARE call herself an empath! 

This is what I'm referring to.



I'm talking about that stuck up, mean, evil bitch who used to call herself "Gang Stalked In Los Angeles" on YouTube & "@ImplantedTI" on Twitter. Now, she changed her ENTIRE pictures & usernames on both YouTube & Twitter, because of me. I hardly check my Pinterest, so I just found out today that I was following her. So, I blocked her on there, just as I did on YouTube & Twitter. I also didn't know her name was Chloe R. THERE! I don't give a fuck! The unintentional "mistake" I made is NOTHING compared to what her perps do to her or what MY perps do to ME 24/7. Yeah, she's 1 of the so-called Targeted Individuals who's merciful & forgiving towards her perps. 1 time, I saw a YouTube video of her crying, talking about how the perps have no control over their behaviors, & that it was AI, & that they're under mind control & don't realize what they're doing. I was like, "Lady, if you don't GTFOHWTBS"! Those perps signed up for this & know EXACTLY WTF they're doing! Don't be fooled.

Refer to the title of this blog. She doesn't have to worry about me anymore. She also made me out to be this sick, obsessed, weird perp who was stalking & following her everywhere online. First of all, it's not uncommon for Targeted Individuals to be following each other on more than 1 social media website. 2nd, people usually ENCOURAGE others to LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE to their YouTube content. How was I supposed to know that she didn't want anyone sharing her YouTube videos? I tagged her to try to respectfully give her credit to her video. & the old narcissistic hag bitch even has her YouTube video linked in her Twitter bio! 🤦‍♀️😂🥴 

Mrs. Chloe, if you so happen to be seeing this blog, here's proof that I'm a legit TI & not a perp. But you don't care. You have your mind made up! Go fuck yourself, lady! Refer, again, to the title of this blog!



So, just because you had a misunderstanding with me, is THAT supposed to mean that "I'm" a perp? I hate when TI's do each other like that! & other people were defending her rant video about me, talking about, "That's exactly what a perp does.", without even knowing the full truth about what really happened. Just being messy & instigating. 

Even other TI's wouldn't get upset at you sharing any of their blogs, YouTube videos or any other social media content. So, that was rather odd, what she did. I said that I didn't mean any harm. & I used to love watching her YouTube videos because it's so much in common with what I go through. I figured that she was a mean person, but I didn't realize that she was THAT fucking mean! Like, DAMN! 

But people can make as many videos, speaking against me all day long, & get more likes, comments, subscribers, followers, etc. & everyone teaming up against me. Even if I do 1 video, talking about an altercation I got into with someone, I get all these thumbs down, when I'm exposing the truth, & the fake TI perps, other TI's or regular perps speaking against me get believed, & they get over 900 thumbs up & no thumbs down, for LYING ON ME! Unbelievable! 

Like, fake crusty Monique Mose. There, I'm putting your government name out there! You have my doggone government name in the title of your fake smear campaign video about me, after I exposed the truth about your fake, crusty demonic ass! TI-TURNED-PERP. I saw yesterday that she took down her YouTube video that she did, speaking against G-Rock the Israelite, but she kept up her fake, lying smear campaign video about me. That's how I know she's jealous & a perp. She did a video, saying that he's a woman-beater. She took it down. Why did she take down the video about him, but not me? She doesn't even post up proof of being targeted, anymore. I have screenshots of proof of her perping me. I already talked about that elsewhere on this blog. Other Targeted Individuals are dumb enough that they were too blind, deaf & dumb to see that she was perping me in her video. Same with that obese, greedy, illiterate, mentally slow fake retarded TI perp pig Samantha Bowens! I have my final confirmation that both of y'all are perps, just like fake crusty dyke ass Makayla Wright. 144KalaK! & more of y'all!

I'm angry & letting off steam. Excuse my profanity. I gotta vent somewhere, as a way to protect myself from losing my mind. I don't do well with bottling my emotions. I keep talking until I feel better. The narcissistic, delusional, obsessed perps are the only ones who are paying close attention. No one else cares to listen. I have less rights than everyone else.

But anyway, that's my new attitude. Refer to the title of this blog. I had a rough, bad start this year. This year isn't going well for me. I haven't felt this emotionally depressed in such a long time. I'm not ready to end up back on the streets homeless by next weekend. So many TI's have flipped & turned to the dark side, yet falsely glorify themselves as God's chosen elect, because they're fake hypo-Christian religious narcs who sold out to Satan! You are amongst Satan's brethren. Stop deluding yourselves. 

It's extra torturous to be forced against my will to go through this targeting bullshit, & then have NOT ONE other Christian Targeted Individual, whom I can talk to over the phone! No emotional support. People, whom I thought had an independent mind & were different from the rest,... they even joined the "Hate Candy Grandpre" cult! I'm not ready to go back on the streets again. & people don't even care. Other TI's (real or fake. I'm not saying all of them.) act like they can't wait for me to die. & me dying isn't good enough. They want me to burn in hell so badly! But they don't feel so harshly towards their perps. Instead, they wish for me to die & go to hell, like YESTERDAY, but they pray for God to forgive & heal the already sold out perps. I just don't understand. 

I just keep venting & venting until I feel better. Some people say that Directed Energy Weapons cause targeted individuals to fight & not get along, also. 

Wow! Something about this blog post reminds me of my younger self, how I used to vent. I apologize, in advance, if you're offended by my profanity in this post. I'm spiritually & emotionally weak right now, & can't handle my anger & frustration.

This post goes for ANY & EVERYONE who has as issue with me or hates me!

I'm sick & tired of being treated like I'm lower than a pest in society! So, if I sense that you're bothered by my presence, then I'm not going to chase after you or kiss your ass anymore. You're NOT God! Sayonara! Now it's YOUR turn to kiss MY ass & then go fuck yourself & fry in hell! Because it's a FUCKING shame, that even some of y'all targeted individuals are some damn narcissistic abusers! Narcissistic TI's, I feel the same sentiments about y'all that I feel about my perps. You wanna know why? Because you act JUST LIKE THEM! Perp or not, if you're a Narcissistic Abuser, go fry, bake, boil, broil & roast in hell! Again! Whose side are you on?