Am I Wasting Time?

Some people say that this Gang Stalking is a distraction, but at the same time, you have to stay hypervigilant because these perps are out here trying to murder us. 

Once fake COVID-19 hit, so many TI's sold out & became perps. Everyone wants you to just shut up & ignore. But they say that YOU'RE the fake TI, who doesn't have concrete enough evidence. Like rape & regular stalking, people say that gang stalking is hard to prove. How, if you match up the symptoms, & everyone has the same story? Now, the popular fakes are saying that a perp driving with 1 headlight doesn't always necessarily mean that they're a gang stalker. Well then, why don't the cops pull them over? 

The reason why I still post footage of my gang stalking, is for my safety & security. Me being a single, disabled homeless female all by myself. A video a day keeps the perps away. I don't have any family or friends. No other TI's to talk to anymore for emotional support. I show my proof & still get called "fake". The narcissistic perps falsely smear campaign me as PRETENDING to be a TI, as a way to scam people & manipulate them out of their money. Their lies worked. They're threatened & fearful of me being so truthful.

I show how I'm forced to live, every day. Food & all. Because they falsely accuse me of taking other people's money to go eat out at fancy, expensive restaurants. Those couple of rare, semi-fancy meals were from my own work money. I never eat expensively from donated money, unless someone buys it for me or encourages me to do so. The narcissistic online perps had a fake seizure meltdown because of me spending under $30 of my tax refund money on a dinner from Ruby Tuesday. Go figure! The Chilean Sea Bass dinner a few months ago was slightly cheaper. It was from my work money. I've been forced to live off of a lot of canned & unhealthy packaged food lately. I know that microwaves aren't healthy, but it's the only way to cook food here.

The online perps are obsessed with what I eat, & obsessed with any financial donations I receive. It's a mental & spiritual tug-of-war with them. Me battling against them trying to control me & meddle in my life. Me keep trying to fight them off. They're human parasites!

It's exhausting, battling against the perps, both online & in person. It's like a real-life videogame. Like as if my life is Super Mario vs. the mushrooms & ducks. & King Koopa is the main handler. Or like Street Fighter, Atari or Duck Hunt. I'm tired of fighting with them, & I'm tired of filming them. It's even more frustrating that people still don't believe me, so I feel like I give up. But putting them on film is the only way they stop their assaults, over 80% of the time. Even the electronic assaults. Another way to gaslight me & make me look crazy. 

I'm sitting here, being depressed & stressing about people who betrayed me & did me wrong, when I could be spending that time researching more, praying & reading the Bible more (which I already do), watching canning & gardening videos. I could end up back on the streets any day now. 

I feel stuck about the prepping & survival because of my homeless situation. I have some gardening seeds. I'm blocked from getting a job opportunity or a permanent place to live. I heard some people say that prepping is useless, since the NWO military is going to confiscate people's food, anyway. I guess it's better safe than sorry. 

People like me have no way or no money to get a car or a gun. A gun for protection, during SHTF & hard times. I heard that people labeled "mentally ill" aren't allowed to own a gun. Targeted Individuals?

I heard that the food shortages & famine will hit hard. I remember what I went through for Hurricane Sally. I was stocked up on food, but was so sleep deprived & distracted by the gang stalking, that I forgot to get water. I had a little bit of money. NOBODY wanted to help me! People, even MEN, were so selfish & stingy, that they wouldn't allow me to offer to buy/pay for a bottle of their water. They STILL said, "No!" They probably were narcissistic perps.