Blessing An Impecunious Woman

If you don't feel like reading all of this, & you want to just jump straight into the short story, then here's my Ko-fi link.

Hello, everyone. This is a short fiction story that I thought up, last night. It's a short story that talks about a character playing ME (Candy Grandpre) in a movie. More like a fictitious Hollywood movie that's based on a true story, not a documentary. I was going to write a short story about a fictional documentary about my life, but you know how folks would get mad & make threats to "sue". I'm poor & homeless. 

Definition of Impecunious.

I wasn't even trying to sound "smart", but I was just looking for a single word to describe, "chronically deprived of everything", & impecunious was the PERFECT single word that I was looking for, for the title!

Synonym of impecunious: lacking money or material possessions

Ozella Hudson, a major movie star, accepted a movie script about a homeless person who has always been deprived all her life. She felt like she just KNEW she would win next year's Oscar at playing the character of Candy Grandpre so well. The directors coached her on how to act. Izora Lynn Logan-Ross has already written & published a best-selling novel, called, "Blessing An Impecunious Woman", based on a true story. The novel was turned into a BIG, major Hollywood movie hit.

Ozella has never had to taste homelessness before, & she never acted in a movie where she had to play the character of a homeless person. Even though she was just acting, she had to get into the character, swallow her pride & do the things that a homeless person would do. She wasn't completely alone, because she was being filmed for the movie, of course. She wasn't used to wearing uncombed hair, going days without showering or brushing her teeth, eating low quality food, wearing 20-year old raggedy, dirty clothes & old thrift store shoes, having to beg & panhandle on the streets, getting banned from places of business, being persecuted, bullied & abused, also gang stalked, followed & harassed by seemingly everyone in sight, sleeping outside on a sleeping bag on concrete every night, being threatened with jail every day/night, suffering chronic sleep deprivation, fighting to stay out of the mental hospital & jail, etc. To play a movie character who never got to taste luxury. Always poverty.

The rehearsals & prepping were over. The movie was wrapped up. It made the big screen. Many people were excited & thought that the "drama" surrounding Candy Grandpre's chronic misfortunes, deprivation & suffering was "juicy" entertainment. But some had a compassionate heart & felt for Candy Grandpre. They didn't realize that Candy Grandpre is a real life person who truly exists & is suffering. All the abuse, control, infantilization, privacy theft, lies, false rumors, smear campaigns, constant sabotage, mental anguish & more. 

A light bulb went off in some people's heads that there was a moral to the story of Candy Grandpre's life. The very same audience of people who were entertained by the novel had a change of heart when they saw everything playing out on the actual screen in theaters. Some people cried & took the movie to heart, like real life, & put themselves in Candy's shoes. They figured that they wouldn't be able to endure or handle being hypersensitive to everything, while being constantly tortured, harassed, abused & ignored. Treated like you're not worthy to deserve to be human. They felt like, a life like that is not fair. 

Other people stuck with the opinion that it's just a movie, & that they didn't feel any sympathy for Ozella Hudson's character as Candy Grandpre. They walked out of the movie theaters, laughing & making fun of Ozella's character, during scenes where there were explosive emotional meltdowns over noise torture because of Ozella acting out Candy Grandpre's reaction to noise because of her hypersensitive ear condition. They laughed at & mocked Ozella's character as Candy Grandpre being treated like a child, being gaslit & falsely accused of delusional paranoia & hypochondria.

Some movie viewers said, "Oh, I bet this movie was directed by Spike Lee." Others said, "This reminds me of the movie 'Powder'." Or, "This movie reminds me of how 'Precious' was treated." Some even said, "This makes you think of 'The Ugly Duckling'!"

The movie also depicted how Candy Grandpre never got to have a real social life. Nothing normal at all. From being chronically punished, deprived, abused & sabotaged in foster care, the psychiatric system & a cult, all the way to 38 years old. Always excluded & singled out. Totally misunderstood. 

Being out on the streets, homeless & filming gang stalking, it was easy for some good Christian Samaritans to locate the real life Candy Grandpre. They found the REAL Candy Grandpre & told her. "Candy, know that God loves you & accepts you. I'm sorry you had it hard. We take you seriously. God knows what you need & what you've been asking for. It may not be that car or home of your dreams, but we prayed & put together some funds to build you a tiny house. We hope you like it. It's safe & secure. You can work at home, if you want to. To hell with that GoFundMe or those gang stalkers! Just know that God has blessed you with this tiny home, & no one can take it away. Not even the enemy. Your begging days & struggles to stay in a motel room are behind you. God bless you. Take care of your new home."

She finally found a work at home company with an online chat position, where no headphones were needed, so that she could work in silence & eventually get a car & her own online business. The gang stalking harassment still continued, but Candy Grandpre is still standing strong.


P.S. The story didn't come out as good as I really wanted, because of all the distractions, door slamming, sirens, loud bass, me being sleep deprived, & now they're vibrating my body with the Directed Energy Weapons, preventing me from performing at my best. Hey, I tried!

In actual real life, I would be afraid of accepting such offers, because if anyone were to come after me & offer to build me a tiny house, I don't know if I would be manipulated with false hopes, stood up & played, or if that probably would be a fake "offer" for a sellout deal, that I would have to decline. In fact, (I didn't realize it until after I read back what I wrote.) the offer of the Samaritans in the short story sounds EXACTLY, word for word, how the perps sound when they want to offer me fake deals to sell out, but the wording with the Samaritans in the short story just add a Christian spin on it. The short story was about sincere, genuine Christians who wanted to help me out. It wasn't intended to be depicted as me accepting a sellout offer. If anyone comes to me, then I know it's fake & seems too good to be true. I have to just luck up & find housing & jobs, on my own (like with the most recent job opportunities) but they don't last very long, due to workplace or neighborhood mobbing, & then I end up back at square one.

You can't even trust people nowadays, who say that they're Christian! In fact, how are they the most dangerous? Many narcissistic Satanic sellout perps masquerading as "Christians" who wanna help! Being a gang stalked TI, you don't know who to trust. It's BIG TIME scary! I hate having to accept the possible idea of being in this homeless, begging predicament for the rest of my life, because I don't want to sell out. I get scared & sometimes want to withdraw from & cut EVERYONE off!