Bossy Narcs Younger Than Me

It dawned on me to realize that, everyone who's younger than me, who tries to discipline & handle me like a punished child, is a narcissistic abuser. Even the ones who are older than me. But this topic is specifically addressing people YOUNGER THAN ME. I have WAAAAAAY too many experiences to talk about, so I'll only list a few.

It has always bothered my spirit, for people younger than me to act like they think they're smarter than me, with more common sense than me. It stemmed from when the former foster mother Adrienne Felder used those foster boys to perp me, after I turned 18. See, when I was a child, the foster mom would get mad at me & DEMAND that I respect other adults. 

With me being targeted, John Craft from the Masonic smelly Craft family & others used to tell a lot of lies on me. The foster mom would say, "What I told you about saying that adults lie!?", like as if adults are incapable of lying. I was 11 years old, & the foster mom wrongfully punished me & beat me like a street thug because John Craft lied on me, saying that I was waiting for the schoolbus & flirted at every car that passed by. Mind you, I had no idea what flirting was. I said that he was lying on me, & the abuse was worse, BECAUSE I said that he was lying. & he was. 

Me being both a child or an adult, I've had to experience people of all ages, lying on me. The foster mom acted like she had ZERO tolerance for me "disrespecting" adults. But she was the abusive adult who disrespected me as a child and adult. Once I turned 18, the foster mom's abuse got worse. She used to sic her biological son Joe on me like a dog, as well as those foster boys, like the narcissistic perps Tyrone Johnson, & those 2 boys Cory & Brent Plauche'. She used them as a weapon against me to try to keep me in line. Using violence to control. After I turned 18, the foster mom used to always say that those foster boys had every right to beat my ass, & that I'm no match for them. She also used to say that they have every right to disrespect me, while demanding that I do what they tell me to do. After I turned 18, I wasn't allowed to say that CHILDREN lie! 

The foster mom used to give us a measley ass $20/month for "allowance". Those foster boys were rewarded with more allowance money for perping me. My twin sister was in on it, too. 

A few months after we turned 18, my twin sister tricked me into meeting the biological family. The foster mom was jealous, possessive & controlling. My twin sister & the biological sister Ramona pushed me up & bullied me into calling the foster mom up & lying about where we were. The foster mom got mad & called me deceitful. She was angry about losing that grip & control. The foster mom was still human trafficking me & making money off of me, even after I turned 18. I didn't know the truth back then. That explains why she hated my guts, yet wouldn't let me go. She wouldn't allow me to be independent & on my own.

My twin sister brainwashed the foster boy Kenneth against me. Then, she started poisoning & smear campaigning me to every new foster child that the foster mom had. & the foster mom did her own brainwashing of the foster boys, to make them have PIERCING hatred towards me. The foster boy, James Joseph, he physically abused me just before my 23rd birthday, which was the reason why I was forced to abandon my car, & then I ended up homeless in New York. He was always hanging with my twin sister & her husband, but treated me mean. Yeah, they told him something. 

So, with my experiences with those foster boys, I began to hate the idea of people younger than me trying to boss, control & overrule me & tell me what to do, even when I was going to college. Treating me like I lack common sense. I'm currently 38 years old & still being infantilized & abused by people young enough to be my child. 

Toni H. Toni Huggins. Fake Ass Phony! 14 years YOUNGER than me, & I kept telling her not to talk to me a certain way. You're supposed to be a TI! Every day, she would talk to me on the phone & threaten suicide. She didn't believe in God. I had an argument with her because I told her that I didn't like her talking to me certain ways. She would address me as "girl", & I said, "Why are you calling me 'girl', & I'm much older than you?" Her response was, "It's like I have to walk on eggshells for you!" She treated me like I a retarded baby. She even kicked me down harder & bullied me about "learning my lesson", with the SkyZone situation. Before I even got my stimulus check last year, she was like, "Spend it wisely." She would always say, "I'm here for support", but then, say that she didn't have time for any drama, when I couldn't handle the perps bullying me online. She said that fake crusty Monique & Ashley Burkes bullied, harassed & threatened her one time & accused her of being a perp. She even donated to me a couple of times.

After me & Fake Ass Phony quit talking, she went on my twin sister's YouTube page & played innocent, like I was the crazy one who lashed out on her for no reason. She perped me by IMMEDIATELY going onto my twin sister's YouTube channel & said, "You're right about your sister." She tried to play innocent, like I was the crazy one who lashed out & was tripping on her for no reason. She said some other stuff. & what bothered me, was her saying, "I'm done with trying to handle her with small young white kids gloves". Look. She used that word "HANDLE". So, she indirectly admitted that she was trying to be my "handler". She's EVERYTHING like a narc! A fake, slutty whore who delusionally believes she's "mature". After that argument with me, she took all her videos down. Then, she resurfaced later on, acting like she's still being targeted". She sold out & compromised. She's 1 of the popular fakes, & everybody sexually wants her, like another Lenika (from the smelly Craft family). She's narcissistic enough to make me fearful of speaking out against her. Another narcissistic trait she has, is over exaggerating her age. She was 23 years old. Not even 23 1/2, but kept lying & saying that she was 24, already. 

Dealing with Workplace Mobbing, I've had to deal with narcissistic, bossy 15, 16 & 17 year old gang stalkers trying to boss, bully & control me at work. They're minors. I'm old enough to be their parents! That doesn't phase them. They talk to & abuse me, like "I'm" the toddler! If I tell them what to do, they look at me like I'm crazy. I remember Tyler Atchley, Deonte' Ball AKA Shitcakes Goes To Hell & Khristian Cash AKA Satan's Trash, bullying me at work, at the Roger Scott pool back in 2019. I even dealt with bullying & abuse from those narcissistic perps at SkyZone. 

I feel bad about even being RAPED by someone YOUNGER than me! Ronald Rainey, Charles Reneaux & Jarockis Sinkfield. A few others, as well. 

Me being perped, controlled & abused by that Masonic obese, greedy dumb whore, Janet Brown Gutzmore, who I rented a room from a couple of years ago. 

No way should my life be restricted & controlled by people YOUNGER THAN ME! I don't care if you're 20 seconds younger than me! Other adults don't get treated like this! 

Someone on Quora once told me that, at 38 years old, no one (older or younger) should be infantilizing or bossing me around, because I'm an adult. I'm tired of my freedom & rights being restricted. Shucks, someone 8 years younger than me thinks he has the narcissistic fake pseudo-"authority" to dictate that I shouldn't have a car. He also flipped on me & started acting like a manipulative perp! Using my traumas against me. These narcissistic perps want me to shut up about my past traumas & abuse because they don't like to see/hear their own reflection as abusive people.

People young enough to be my children or offspring, trying to discipline & handle me, trying to tell me off about myself & trying to put me in my place!