My Thoughts On Mukbangs

Back in 2007, I heard a story about how a whole bunch of men would pay an obese woman online to watch her eat. 

Fast forward until about 2020, I think that was the 1st time I ever heard of Mukbangs. I didn't know what it was. A few months ago, I did a little bit of research on it. I heard that people get paid to eat unhealthy food on camera, for entertainment. & they even go as far as to sell their souls for it. Is it THAT extreme? To lose your soul & get famous off of gluttony? I'm amazed at how they could still stay skinny! & these narcissistic perps call ME "greedy", talking about me being obsessed with food! No, they're obsessed with what I eat!

Remember Morgan Spurlock's "Super Size Me, 1 & 2"? I heard that his health declined so quickly that he was forced to stop the experiment. I don't even TOUCH McDonald's anymore!

With my hyperacusis (hypersensitive ear condition), I couldn't stand to watch anyone do a Mukbang because pretty much everyone who does it, smacks their food, which would hurt my ears & ruin my day. I hate when they talk about a certain topic, & then do a Mukbang, smacking their food. 

Even without Mukbangs, with certain cooking channels on YouTube, I watch the cooking demonstration, & then I have to cut the video off or mute it while they taste test & smack their food. Sometimes, they sample the food, smacking & at the same time, they're explaining certain things. 

The online perps call me "greedy", but I don't do Mukbangs. Now that I'm no longer on psych meds, I CANNOT eat that heavy! 

I prefer to have my own privacy when I eat. I don't like to be interrupted/disrupted when eating or listening to my favorite songs. I like to do those things in peace & solitude. Recently, I tried those preserved century duck eggs & just sampled them in my grocery haul video. Another time, I sampled tamarind. & I did 1 more video, with sampling vegetables. I don't usually like to eat on camera, or while doing YouTube videos. That's just personally me.