Narcissists Using Your Belongings

Have you ever had a narcissistic friend &/or family member who would step over your boundaries, to the point where, they'd do stuff, like:

Using your toothbrush? 

Using your razor for shaving? 

Wearing your shoes? 

Wearing your clothes, including socks, bras & panties?

Eating off of your plate or drinking your beverage, if you're in the middle of a meal, & you have to go to the bathroom? 

Feeling ENTITLED to snoop through your belongings, in front of your face, & you're forbidden to stand up to them & defend yourself? 

Snatching your phone &/or laptop out of your hands & snooping in front of your face?

Just grab your car keys & take it to go & drive somewhere, & take advantage of being gone with your car, for DAYS? 

But you couldn't get away with doing any of those things to them?