Online Gang Stalkers Making Me Feel Discouraged About My Writing

Remember when I recently told y'all about the Gang Stalkers getting angry about me publishing my first Amazon Kindle ebook? So, more narcissistic perps have joined in on making false bad reviews on all of my ebooks. If they can't get me on, then they do it here. Look at all the senseless false bad "reviews" from the asshole, "Harrison". For a moment, I thought that that was Star Bricker trying to hide behind an alternate persona. Why would you give a bad review on ALL 4 ebooks? If you thought the first 2 were bad, then why waste your time, reading & insulting my other ebooks. & then you gave yourself away, by repetitively saying that I'm mentally "unwell". My mentally off, slow, retarded dyke ass twin sister even wrote a false "bad review" on here, too.

Sadly, these deluded, brainwashed perps took the vaccines + boosters. Trying to make it like I don't know what I'm talking about. They attacked my COVID-19 truth ebook the worst! Enjoy your Mark of the Beast in hell, you bastards!

Here's a reminder of my Amazon Kindle ebooks. I don't really promote my Kindle ebooks anymore, since I have them on this blog for free.

The perp Star Bricker successfully got a couple of my ebooks wrongfully taken down. Only 1 of them, my "Narcissistic Abusers" ebook, I was able to successfully appeal on Kindle. The COVID-19 ebook, she successfully got it blocked. They rejected that appeal. She probably was the 1 who got me wrongfully banned from I can't make a living on there. 

She's doing it out of malice, to make false bad reviews on each & every ebook that I write & publish, & on each & every website that they're published on, plus tries to get them taken down. Why would you write a bad book review of the same ebook, on several different websites? You already said something about this same ebook on another website. She does the same with my YouTube channels. Thumbs down every video & has successfully gotten 1 channel taken down, & all 3 of my current ones, she nearly succeeded. 

I speak the truth, but the perps falsely say that all of my information is "false". & they call ME delusional! They try to make me out to be THAT HORRIBLE of a writer, that I should be put to a stop from publishing anything or making YouTube videos. They want to eradicate me from the internet. Like as if I should stop writing anything, PERIOD! Even the hell-faced ugly gay Satanic dirty demon Alex du Pre' tried to falsely say that I'm a poor writer, & tells people to not support my writing. The thing is, he's ILLITERATE! 🤡😂🤦‍♀️

The only people who give bad reviews & 1-stars are narcissistic perps. & it's not even genuine. Just meant to discourage you, put you down & hurt you. They would have a field day with abusive comments on this blog. That's why commenting is unavailable to everyone. They successfully bullied me off of Quora, Medium, Buy Me a Coffee, my old blog, GoFundMe & elsewhere. They keep trying to control & dictate how & what I should write. I want my own freedom. They should butt out, mind their own business & leave me alone. 

People who don't have a biased opinion about me, they tell me that I write & speak very well, & that I'm articulate & HIGHLY intelligent. But I gotta watch out for the covert narcs & their fake "flattery". They would compliment my short stories & help me boost my confidence in writing. I tell myself, "Well, I must not be all that bad of a writer, then!" Real truthers know what I'm talking about. 

Remember. I told y'all that they keep me chronically sleep deprived, on purpose, so that I can't function properly. + they vibrate my body with electronic weapons when I try to write. 

So, my question is...

Am I THAT horrible of a writer? Or are these just abusive, narcissistic perps trying to shut me down & discourage me? They're trying to block me from making a living. If I got more support from my writing, like this blog or my ebooks, then I wouldn't have to beg or panhandle. & they think that just because everyone ignores my writing, & the perps themselves, give 1 star & false bad reviews, then that's supposed to be "proof" that I'm such a "despicable" writer. 

I tried to even do something special for birthday last year, & Star Bricker made sure to RUIN it! Making sure she writes a false bad review & giving a 1 star. Why haven't you stopped, after 3 books? But she wants to stalk my EVERY move & gather as much information as she could about me. Reads & stalks everything I do. Watching all my YouTube videos. She stalks me everywhere online. Cyberbullying is a felony crime. It's been 2 1/2 years, & she's been stalking me. She won't respect my boundaries or leave me alone. She's SICK & perverted. 

Overt Narcissistic Abusers criticize your every move, word or breath. Covert Narcissistic Abusers pretend to fake flatter you, & after they betrayed you, THEN they start to criticize everything about you. They try to make it like you're such a useless, worthless loser that you should just give up on life & go kill yourself. They keep trying, unsuccessfully. They did a DAMN GOOD job at successfully turning everyone against me, betraying me & not wanting to support me. There must be witchcraft & black magick behind those smear campaigns, lies & false rumors, in order for them to be successful. 

After the foster mom put me on the gang stalking list, everyone would tell me that everything I do or say is illogical, incoherent, irrational & doesn't make sense (in order to discredit me). That's how the perps are treating me about my writings. Before then, people weren't treating me like that. 

I'm going to continue to keep writing, anyway.