Smear Campaigns About Me

Here are links to fake TI perps, TI-TURNED-PERPS & regular perps mocking, smear campaigning & lying about me. YouTube videos & channels. They successfully caused even other REAL Targeted Individuals to betray & turn against me.

Chief ringleader. My own twin sister. I've talked before about her having an entire channel, dedicated to discrediting my targeting, mocking my targeting & gaslighting me. Making fun, bullying me & using projection. Other TI's aren't allowed to defend me, but she can have an entire Klan of devout cult followers, like a religion!

Here's her other channel, full of lies.

She lies & says that I'm mocking the TI community.

She falsely accused me of being a demonic chameleon in the TI community. How can you call me demonic, when you're still in that fake IDMR cult?

It's actually HER mocking my real Gang Stalking experiences! 

But now, she's apparently too sick to perp me. & It's all "my fault" that she's sick! 

Here's a gang stalking proof video, & if you try to refute this, then YOU'RE either ignorant, or you're a perp, your DAMN SELF! I got TOO MUCH proof on my channel to be called "fake"!

Here's my twin sister's lesbian lover, China.


China lied & said that I'm the liar & slanderer, & that I'm the one who "lies like she breathes". I've been telling her, for years, to stay out of me & my twin sister's business! She keeps meddling.

Here are some more.

Here's the perp, The Obsoletist

Here's M. K. Ferrer

J. Demon Rotten Shit removed her videos about me.

Fake hypo-Christian TI perp Samantha Bowens. & her channel mocks me. She's fat, her damn self!

Fake crusty Monique.

Fake TI perp Q the Realm. Q the Realm SOUNDS occultic/ New Age!

She has too many YouTube videos to list. Just scroll down. Meanwhile, she has NO videos of herself being Gang Stalked & tortured! She also thinks her lies are funny. She has a fat old white man (her handler) in the shadows, coaching & guiding her on what to say. See? All she does is sit behind a desk & read from a script. & y'all believe her! The thing is, I never did shit to her, & she came on 1 of my videos & made a perp comment. I blocked her, & then she started doing so many fake videos, lying & saying that I'm copying, mocking & gang stalking her. She was also an online perp who was obsessed with counting every penny of my GoFundMe.

This entire channel mocking me. Fake T.I. Perp

Here's another fake TI perp video.

Here's the perp Stefan Adams, who not only makes fun of & smears me, but he does it to other TI's, as well.

Stefan Adams is a Satanic perp, even mocking my Lord & Saviour. So, there you have it!

Let's not forget this.

Professional TI Beggar Candy Grandpre Discovers This Website

So, how can y'all make it like, I'm so mentally unstable, yet such a smooth operator with "scamming" people for money? I wouldn't think someone so mentally incapacitated & inept would have the smarts to pull off such a scheme.

See, here? My twin sister twisting the truth & defending my perps SO hard! But she's not a paid Satanic perp who's part of this human trafficking network? She perps with a lot of red & has a lot of devil horns & Satanic hand signs in her video thumbnails full of lies about me.

Here's Star Bricker's fake YouTube channel. Shits Yuckteen K.

This is the bitch who got my twin sister onboard. This is the demon who has a sick fetish for getting me wrongfully banned from everywhere, & then narcissistically brags about how she's never been banned from anywhere in the entire 61 years of her life. Well, 1 place you will be banned from is HEAVEN! If I gotta be on my way to hell, then you're going 10 times faster & harder! 

More online perps who have harassed me with comments &/or videos, are:

Let's do a roll call!

Kimberly Harper
David Jain
Renice Reeves
Lenika Angela Simien Harrell
Tony White. Fake TI perp 
Osiris O.
Brittany J.
Lovely Lady 2. Flipped on me for no reason.
Angel Nicole Kelly Haughton
Pam Smith
Toni H. Fake Ass Phony
Cynthia Burns
144KalaK. Makayla Wright. TI-TURNED-PERP
Wertia Audit
Let's not forget about Alex du Pre'!

There's dozens more. My mind went blank.

The thing is, if you have ANY DISCERNMENT at all, & are a truther, then you could pinpoint where they're lying. There's an ENTIRE online cult that revolves around people who hate my guts & can't wait for me to be exterminated! I know I'm telling the truth. They work extra hard to try to discredit me. They're SO desperate for control! They even hide behind religion & quote Bible scriptures. They're double-minded & confused. Playing both sides.