The Food Paradox

The government has narcissistically twisted EVERYTHING about food. Turned the truth into a lie. They want to profit off of keeping us sick. Depopulation. People are dropping like flies. Poison everywhere. I'm freaking out about the graphene oxide in food. Makes me not want to eat anymore, but I can't starve. Which is worse? Graphene oxide in your food & drinks, or being forced to cannibalize without your knowledge or consent? McDonald's & such. 

People are addicted to chemicals in food, like it's a drug. I guess we're not supposed to be addicted to eating. You never see anyone being helplessly addicted to organic, non-GMO avocados, mangoes, spinach, etc. You don't see people overdose on carrots. But, boy do people overdose on man-made fast food, packaged food & junk food! I'm guilty. Sometimes, we're forced to, because of being dirt poor & broke. Codex Alimentarius. Latin for "food control". Gluttony is heightened when these foods are combined with Big Pharma medications, especially psych meds. Yep. Vitamins & minerals being stripped. No wonder why people are always hungry! Don't call us fat & greedy! I read somewhere, years ago, that many obese people are nutrition starved, & that's why they're always hungry.

I didn't realize that I could go to hell for gluttony! It took years to retrain my mind to not overeat. Being forced on psych meds & overeating for so many years, I probably would've been dead a long time ago, if I didn't wake up to the truth in time. After getting myself off of psych meds & then training myself to eat natural, organic, non-GMO healthy food, I went a long time, not having to worry about gluttony. A healthy salad can hold me over for hours & keep me energetic. Same with natural granola cereal. I could only eat 1/2 bowl & be full & held over for hours. With junk cereal, I could eat 2 big bowls of Apple Jacks, & then be hungry 30 minutes later. If I eat 2 McDonald's quarter pounders & 2 caramel sundaes with nuts, or 2 McGriddles, I would end up feeling weak & shaky, like I'm about to pass out & would get hungry 30 minutes later. That same food would make me feel like I was a druggie, looking for my next hit, & I've never done drugs. If I eat a burger from a local restaurant, such as (now no longer in business) the Tin Cow that was in downtown Pensacola, that would hold me over until breakfast the next morning. See what I mean? 

They give us an illusion, with this fake "healthy" food. 

Orowheat wheat bread is just as bad for you as the white bread counterpart. 

Butter is healthier than margarine, especially grass fed butter.

Fluoride AKA the devil's poison, blocks iodine & causes thyroid issues. What do the give you as a solution? MORE FLUORIDE!

Unpasteurized, raw milk heals & strengthens your teeth & bones, while pasteurized milk creates excess mucus, lowers your immune system, rots your teeth & does so much more.

I'm sad to find out that my favorite cheese, American cheese, isn't healthy. 😭 I really don't like any other cheese, except sometimes mozzarella.

We need saturated fat. Ask Natasha Campbell-Mc Bride. Virgin coconut oil, avocado oil, & extra virgin olive oil are healthy oils. Get rid of your soybean oil, corn oil & canola oil. Get rid of Crisco & Mazola, if you can afford to eat healthier! I heard that hydrogenated oils kill. The oils in cheap dollar store peanut butter.

(Smart-assed, brainwashed narcs would feel like they want to dismiss everything I'm saying, because they DEMAND peer-reviewed false "evidence" from Luciferian mainstream medicine to back it up.) 

White table salt raises your blood pressure, while natural sea salt lowers it. I know, from personal experience.

Cold-pressed raw fruit &/or vegetable juices will NOT make you sick! Pasteurized juices are just as bad as drinking sodas. 

Raw, unfiltered honey tastes good & has many healing vitamins & minerals. I read that it REVERSES diabetes, instead of causing it. Same with black strap molasses & raw sugarcane.

Some people say that the Mediterranean diet or the Okinawa diet is healthy. Also, research Weston A. Price & Nourishing Traditions. I hope they haven't sold out. 

I'm disappointed, because what if I could do a YouTube channel, a blog & a cookbook &/or open a restaurant or have a food truck, with an organic, natural, healthy version of New Orleans dishes? Like, organic, healthy, nutritious version of beignets or something? The gang stalkers would prevent that, too.

I guess, we could end up going to hell for eating junk food, taking pharmaceuticals & vaccines, drinking fluoridated water, etc. Defiling our temple. We're enslaved. Some of us feel helpless & defenseless in fighting against government oppression, & the government exploits that. 

I wish I could get to eat strictly natural, organic non-GMO healthy food, but my money situation, homelessness & certain other circumstances won't always allow that. 

Learn & research the truth about Monsanto & Roundup. Also, Soylent Green is people!