Fake "Loyal" Friends

Yes. Talking about a narcissistic control freak fake friend. I've talked before about these fake, one-sided friendships, where the so-called friend would tell you about their problems & issues, but they muzzle you when you have your complaints. When they're in a crisis, you're there to listen & support, but when you're in a crisis, either of these 3 things usually happen.

1) They do victim blaming & kick you down even harder, lecturing you about how you should learn your lesson the next time. They even tell you how the other person who abused you was in the right, & then give you an ENTIRE laundry/grocery list on why you were in the wrong. They act like a cerebral know-it-all narcissist & act like they were there, & try to make their guesses & opinions as fact, when they're incorrect in their assumptions. They try to go by what sounds like logical common sense to them, which is not true or reality.

2) They discreetly & subtly block & cut off ALL contact with you or separate themselves from you, wondering what you did or said wrong.

3) They blow you off & tell you that they're sick of your constant drama & complaining & then tell you that YOU'RE the problem. 

These fake "loyal" friends even lie to you, saying that they love & care about you, & that they got your back. Their actions show polar opposite. So much gaslighting, manipulation & mind games.

If you're dealing with another targeted individual who has this personality, they appear perp-like. 

They can talk on the phone with me for 5 hours & won't let me get a word in, complaining about the gang stalking, but when I do it, their response is, "Block, ignore & move on." & then they dismiss & ignore my cries for emotional support & help, & even defend & agree with the perps, saying that I'm in the wrong.

Just, EVERYBODY is fake, sold out & evil! Smh! Nobody cares anymore. People hand pick who to love & care about. It feels like as if I'm almost the only real TI left, & everyone else sold out & act like a narcissistic, controlling perp. Then, they use projection, lying & saying that I'm the perp! No one wants to hear my side. The truth. & everyone wants to worship the liar! Where are any real TI's who are Christian? It's like, nobody else is targeted anymore. 

Update: You say you're targeted, but you dismiss everything I say about the online perps. You call it petty drama & foolishness. But the moment we argue, that's when you flock to my twin sister's page & then defend & agree with every lie that she makes! 

You were never on my side, from the get go!