He resurfaces 2 days after this post.
Here are his tweets at me. I blocked him. If this isn't him, then it sounds VERY MUCH like him. YouTube video coming soon.
Tweet #1:
Just Stop (@stopstalkingppl) Tweeted:
@CreoleTargeted it’s literally a child’s card game. stop giving things power by obsessing over it. You act like GOD isn’t bigger than some silly playing card.
Things are only given power when you give it power and that’s all you do. You get paranoid about the dumbest stuff candy istg
Tweet# 2:
Just Stop (@stopstalkingppl) Tweeted:
@CreoleTargeted you literally created your own mess by paying 100$ on MP3 players. no one forced you to buy that many mp3 players. grow up candy
Tweet #3:
Just Stop (@stopstalkingppl) Tweeted:
@CreoleTargeted put on sunglasses you giant baby. it’s LIGHTS. put up a sheet. People have to get in and out of their cars, dude.
Tweet #4:
Just Stop (@stopstalkingppl) Tweeted:
@CreoleTargeted They would be if you weren’t the one freaking out of them with delusions.
you’ll blame anyone for your mess ups and it’s getting so tiresome.
Tweet #5:
Just Stop (@stopstalkingppl) Tweeted:
Candy grandpre is literally the reason real targets are taken as a joke.
now she’s gathered funds to come here to new orleans and spend it living with some equally delusional people who will just take her money.
Grow up candy. or are u gunna make a video making ugly faces again.
Tweet #6:
Just Stop (@stopstalkingppl) Tweeted:
legit cannot stand this girl taking our hard earned money and buying 100$ worth of battery-powered mp3 players when batteries cost more in the long run.
It’s time to grow up but no one can tell u that, huh?
No matter where you go, there you are. You can’t run from being a fool
He quit tweeting at me once he realized that he was blocked. 😂🤭 Now I have the upper hand!
I blocked him, but this is what I said.
Tweet #1:
Targeted Creole (@CreoleTargeted) Tweeted:
@stopstalkingppl is a #gangstalker.
Why are all these perps hitting up Twitter to harass people, all of a sudden?
I was at peace on here for a long time.
Tweet #2:
Targeted Creole (@CreoleTargeted) Tweeted:
Here's another harassing comment. I don't understand the sense it makes for you to keep following & #gangstalking someone, if you act annoyed & sick & tired. You don't even know me!
It's none of your business what I spent my tax refund money on! Go fry in hell!
Tweet #3:
Targeted Creole (@CreoleTargeted) Tweeted:
Online #gangstalking documentation. Where's my right to sue you for slander? Twisting EVERYTHING & lying!
I think this is that human trafficking perp DJ again. Funny how he resurfaces after I did a blog post about him. Don't disrespect me & cal me "girl"! I'm 38 years old!
Tweet #4:
Targeted Creole (@CreoleTargeted) Tweeted:
My #taxrefund check is the #narcissistic #gangstalkers "hard earned" money!
Tweet #5:
Targeted Creole (@CreoleTargeted) Tweeted:
It seems like, if you're not able to be tricked into selling out, the #gangstalkers try to bully & beat you into submission. I just screenshot all their harassment & then block them. I don't understand why they're SO heavily after my soul right now! I keep fighting against them!
Accompanying video coming soon. The motel wifi keeps going in & out. I'm not using my phone data. When the video is done, I will post the link here.