Loving My Followers

Lol! For the fun of it, this will be a quick short fiction story about Twitter users.

Makawi Kadoka, a Lakota Sioux Indian, created a Twitter account. His Twitter handle was @MatoBear78, since he was born in 1978. He spread a lot of love, positivity, Bible scriptures, pictures of nature & his personal drawings. 

@Oksana_313 followed him. She admired his drawings. She felt inspired to draw pictures of her city, Detroit, Michigan. She sucked at it at first & felt discouraged. She had the fortunate convenience to work at FedEx Office because she was able to make printouts of Makawi's Twitter pictures of nature. She would trace the pictures, color them in, take a picture on her phone, & then put it in a tweet. Makawi would retweet her artwork. He gave her nothing but encouragement & tips to improve. 

Each of them eventually grew a larger following. Twitter user @ alligizard (alligator + lizard + gizzard) suggested, "Hey, why don't y'all make a living off of your artwork? You have the talent for it." 

Oksana asked, "Like how?"

@alligizard said, "You know. Patreon, Buy Me a Coffee, Ko-fi, Pine Page, Tik Tok, YouTube, etc."

Oksana said, "No thanks. That's too much high maintenance. I'll just stick with Twitter. I have a busy life."

@alligizard tweeted, "Now you know you would rather quit your 9-5 & work for yourself. I'll show you how."

Oksana said, "Ok. Coolio Beans!" 

She chose Ko-fi & was getting commissions on her artwork. She got so much support & tips that she really was able to quit her FedEx Office job & make passive income. If it weren't for her Twitter followers supporting her, she would still have to dread getting up at 5 AM & have a boss to answer to. 

Makawi & @alligizard helped Oksana get more Twitter followers. They were promoting her work on every bit of social media available. This helped boost her confidence. Now, she encourages her Twitter followers to get paid to do what they love, & not be a slave to doing what they hate.