My Grandson's Cookout

Trevor wanted to show off like Grandpa & impress the family. He tried cooking dishes that his grandpa, Dennis, taught him when he was young. Trevor was always a disaster in the kitchen, making clumsy mistakes. This time, he promised not to make poorly cooked food. 

It's Memorial Day, & Grandpa Dennis was lounging on the patio, drinking a wine cooler with his pineapple avocado BLT sandwich. After his last gulp, he let out a LOUD, nasty belch. 

Trevor walked outside & said, "Hey, Grandpa. Make me 1 of them boogers."

Grandpa Dennis rolled his eyes & then let out another burp. We couldn't tell if it was real or fake, this time. Grandpa said, "Make your own. I thought you said you wanted to cook like me." 

Trevor said, "Aww, man! I gotta make my own?"

He said, "Well, how else are you gonna learn, Rufus Dufus? Now, go get the grill & charcoal."

Trevor went to go look for some charcoal, & there was none around the house at all. No lighter fluid or anything. Then he panicked & said, "Oh, no! Now I'm going to have to find some wood & get primitive!"

So, Trevor figured out a primitive way to BBQ the dinner, using wood & cast iron. It was different from the modern day tradition, but successful. Grandpa Dennis expected the WORST, but the ENTIRE dinner turned out to be a HIT! Side dishes, desserts & all!

Grandpa Dennis was SO impressed at what Trevor did. He was speechless. He kept asking Trevor, "What did you do? What did you do? What's the secret?" 

Trevor turned his nose up & ignored him. Trevor said, "I ain't lettin' NOBODY know my secret!", while looking Grandpa Dennis up & down. Grandpa Dennis put his head down in shame. Trevor put the whole family to shame. He found an alternative method of cooking & proved everybody wrong. Trevor said that he was sick of everyone doubting him & never believing in him. From then on, Grandpa Dennis started encouraging Dennis & he never insulted Trevor again.