Quick Open Talk Journal 05/30/2022

I guess it's been a couple or a few days since I've blogged. Homelessness & SEVERE sleep deprivation! Can't even think properly. I should try to take a nap. Or maybe I should go to bed early. The new job starts tomorrow, & Star Bricker is already counting on me to be fired the first day. She falsely said that I'm basically laying down the groundwork for me to be fired before my job could start. They're lying in wait to sabotage my job already. Ain't that sad? 

The smear campaigns on YouTube are getting stronger. Where do I even begin? I'm too tired to write, to be honest. I'm going to do a video, talking about it once the video I already have gets done uploading. I hate that it takes 3 or 4 hours to upload a standard video at this house. The library is VERY close by. But I would have to endure more perp harassment, just to walk over there. I'm blogging & journaling on here, to pass the time, despite how sleep deprived & tired I am.

Yesterday, someone helped me with an Airbnb for 3 nights. I do not like living with other people. The other housemate guest here treated me like a weird, perverted, sick creep, & he's a MAN! I've been here for not even 24 hours. But I'm glad to be off the streets. He's a foreign narcissistic abuser. From that short incident that just happened, I could tell. 

After what Thea Grace from Twitter did to me, I felt discouraged from blogging. She should be called "Thea the DISGRACE!"

I want to write a short story this afternoon; & in fact, I will. I don't know what, yet.