Gang Stalkers Shun My Writing Creativity & Freedom

After I exposed the truth with this ebook

[{(Wow! They're REALLY trying to silence me.

The Amazon webpage is saying that an error occurred. 

Here's the ebook NOW for free.

Targeted Creole (@CreoleTargeted) Tweeted:
Wow! They're REALLY trying to silence me.

Here's the ebook NOW for free. 

:// )}]

the online gang stalkers, MAINLY Star Bricker & now others are getting paid to write false bad reviews on all of my ebooks. 

I caught Star Bricker shunning me & falsely saying that I live vicariously through all of my short story characters, & that all of my characters are an extension of myself, which isn't true. & if it WAS "true", then what's wrong with that? It's not your business! Stop trying to control & dictate what I should write! She claims to not like me or anything about me, yet has been criminally illegally & fraudulently gang stalking me for almost 3 years. She even falsely accused me of having poorly written short stories that lack a plot & character development. Well, my short stories is supposed to be flash fiction, right? Because of her, I can't publish ebooks on Amazon anymore & make any money or make a living. She even successfully & fraudulently got some of my ebooks wrongfully banned/blocked on Amazon, called up places of business to have me wrongfully fired & banned from everywhere, plus she has fraudulently gotten my YouTube channels & GoFundMe taken down.. BuyMeACoffee website encouraged & allowed the gang stalking online harassment, did NOTHING about it, & then was GLAD to see me leave. Just like what happened at my fake, crusty Avis job yesterday! 

I caught my own twin sister lying, telling everyone that all of my short story characters are "imaginary friends", using my early childhood past as a weapon against me. But they tell me to let go of the past! She even did a fake Livestream, smear campaigning & lying about me having "imaginary friends", to make me sound as CRAZY as possible! Again! To make more people stay away from me & not support me. One of her cult followers in the fake Livestream falsely accused me of being full of demons. Y'all are perps? Y'ALL are the ones full of demons! I still have my soul! Stop using projection. 

They're trying to use lies, false rumors & smear campaigns to make sure everyone hates me to my demise.

They want to bully, frighten & intimidate me, trying to make me psychologically fearful & traumatized from writing, so they can keep up the false narrative of me being a "scamming beggar". They think I'm a "joke" of a writer. They act like they delusionally believe that they have the "authority" to dictate that I'm not allowed to write or publish anything. They're threatened by the truth & are trying to silence me. They don't want me with the freedom or liberty to write what I want. They even feel threatened by my fictional short stories because they know there's some truth to them. Even when I write my FICTIONAL short stories, they torture me with Directed Energy Weapons to FORCE me to stop writing or blogging with whatever I'm working on. The more truth I expose (even though no one is listening), the more brutal the attacks & abuse. Bottom line. Who are you to deprive or rob me of my 1st amendment right to free speech?

They make false bad reviews on these.

The online perps bullied me to the point where I was forced to shut down my ebooks on this website. & this website falsely rejected almost every ebook I tried to submit.

So, I told them to close my account. I could've made money from that.

Now, rejects all of my submissions. Only 1 successfully got by. I don't even bother anymore.

The online perps bragged about keeping anything positive about me shadowbanned. They bragged about shadowbanning my blog & everything.

Targeted Creole (@CreoleTargeted) Tweeted:
#gangstalking #gaslighting sick weirdos. bdhsiXmT7EEzoVY2nbTm2Q

Targeted Creole (@CreoleTargeted) Tweeted:
My twin sister is working TOO hard to not be getting paid! She's working too hard to discredit my targeting & make me out to look crazy. She defends my #gangstalkers. She lies & says that she's not a perp, & that I'm not a #TargetedIndividual. Stop stalking my YouTube videos!

Ok, here's my tweet of screenshots where the online perps bragged about having my blog shadowbanned. They want to make sure I'm punished with NO income!

Targeted Creole (@CreoleTargeted) Tweeted:
Father God. Help me! The #gangstalkers are after my soul!

They are threatened by me telling the truth, & are trying to destroy me. People in the Twitter writing community say that even if you're not a good writer, just keep trying anyway.

People who aren't gang stalkers say that I write very well.

Please, stop believing anything negative or any slander campaigns about Candy Grandpre! What are y'all DOING!?

& my twin sister needs to STOP falsely glorifying herself as a military "veteran" when she only did 10 months! She's set for life behind a lie, fraud & scam! Fraudulent fake "disabled" vet lesbian! 🤦‍♀️😫 & y'all believe every lie that comes out of her demonic, retarded mouth!

All of you gang stalkers are rich with fake blood money. Y'all have Candy Grandpre's blood on your hands!

Now, I don't get to have the liberty or luxury to write WHAT I please, or as I please. Another form of Narcissistic forced enslavement on me.