The Worn Out Welcome

I told y'all I was gonna do it. Just like last year. 

Lemme go find that short story.

Ok, so. Here is a website for the list of 2022 hurricane names.

I'm going to pick out a few, for this short story.


Owen Martin & his wife, Gemma, were sitting down on the couch, in their London, UK home, discussing how they're going to renovate the living room. Their Great Dane dog, Tobias, heard a knock that they didn't hear, & started barking aggressively. 

Gemma ran to the side door & said, "Who is it?"

Someone said, "Heath! Your nephew."

She opened the door & sighed, asking him, "What trouble have you gotten yourself into now? Is it the drugs again?"

Heath said, "Why do you always think it's drugs? That was my past. Once I became homeless & ended up sleeping rough, I sobered up. I humbled myself & quit it all.

Listen. The crime in the city has grown VERY terribly against the homeless. It's gotten quite scary. I will iron your clothes, mow your lawn, do whatever it takes. Yeah?"

Owen said, "Grab a sofa, couch surfer!" 

Turns out, that Heath lied. He was sneaking his druggie friends, Pax, Gaston, Braylen, Walter & Nolan in the home while Owen & Gemma were on vacation. They were supplying him with fentanyl, crack, weed & crystal meth. When they came back, the couple noticed drugs in the kitchen & living room. Owen warned him that if he didn't get cleaned from the drugs, that he was going to die. He didn't listen.

One day, Gaston died from a fentanyl overdose. It still wasn't a wakeup call for Heath. He then turned to heroin & was strung out really bad. He couldn't cope with Gaston's death. This led to him getting into a HEATED argument & a push & shove match with Owen & Gemma. The cops were called, but he fled the scene before they could arrive. Now, they DEFINITELY have to renovate the living room + also the kitchen because of excessive property damage. They even found cooked meth & crack pipes in the kitchen. 

Heath found himself back on the streets again because he was not allowed to go back to his aunt's house. He almost got shot & killed because of a bad drug deal. He fell on his face & cried out for God to forgive & save him. He did it in front of the drug dealer's face. The drug dealer got spooked & backed off. Both of them repented, quit the drugs, cleaned up their lives moved to Liverpool & got their own jobs & apartments. They ended up becoming good friends & started doing home churching. They began to travel all across Europe to tell their testimonies about how they got saved.