This Fake New Age Monkey Business

Wake up to the truth, y'all! What are y'all DOING!?

Did you hear about this?

First, there's monkeypox, which is TRULY a side effect of those fake, nasty COVID vaccines.

Then, there's this.


Where do I even start? & there was something similar about this New Age, narcissistic, self-righteous fake "outcry" about animals being used for labor & enslavement. Oh! Bees. They want to make New Age fake vegan "honey".

Plant based honey made without bee labor. 

They are PUSHING so hard for everything & everybody to be as FAKE as possible! I'm ashamed to exist on the face of this Earth right now! 

Now, the hypocrisy is...

You know how people talk about human farming (trafficking?) & NWO worker bees? 🤔 How is this all connected? They want mindless MK Ultra New World Order robotic slaves who obey every order without questioning. Have you seen the 1988 movie, "They Live"? Illuminati predictive programming. Why is everyone saying that Elon Musk is 1 of the lesser of 2 evils, vs. Bill Gates, when Musk wants to hook the human brain to NeuraLink? Mark of the beast? Sorry, but I'll take starvation over the mark. The Simpsons even predicted everyone's brain being hooked up to the same computer. It's SO hard to find that episode!

This might not be EXACTLY what I was looking for, but it's one of them. I was looking for another video.

Ok, so here's a YouTube video recommended to me about Elon Musk, NeuraLink & a monkey.

& then, they're also mocking the masses with the fake indoctrination of Darwinism & evolution. Covaids & monkeypox? Ring a bell?

Depopulation, Agenda 21/2030/2050, ICLEI, sustainable development, Georgia Guidestones, etc.

I'm fighting to cling to Jesus Christ.