Hello, y'all. Today is Friday, July 29, 2022 at 11:46 AM. (This is exactly how I introduce my YouTube videos.)
So, I meant to work this blog post & post it just in time for the 4th of July. I'm sleep deprived. I REALLY wanted to put some deep thought into this blog post. Due to homelessness & sleep deprivation, I haven't gotten to work on this. I may as well do it, now.
Targeted Individual or not, many American truthers &/or patriots are fed up with this Satanic New World Order system. I don't vote, I don't pick any sides of political parties, & I don't consider myself a patriot. Never did! But I stand for the truth. Seeking as much truth as I can. So much censorship to hinder people. Keeping us enslaved & blind.
Of course, our constitutional rights are illegally robbed from us, with us being TI's. When I was living in Los Angeles, a lady giving us a free genealogy class told us that a slave is 3/5 of a person. No matter what color or race, targeted individuals are always treated like less than human, like we have less rights than everyone else. Actual CRIMINALS don't even get treated this poorly! It's like, we're in a free roaming prison. A prison without walls. But ironically, criminal prisoners with 4 walls seem to somehow get to have more freedom & rights than us. We're falsely accused of something we don't even know. Many TI's don't actually know how or why they're in this program. What they did to deserve this. Some of us try to guess.
I have an idea, but I could be wrong about how I became targeted. I did some YouTube videos, talking about it. Fake TI perps &/or sold out TI-TURNED-PERPS think my theory is bullshit. Maybe in another blog post, I can talk about it again. Maybe I did already, & just don't remember.
(Bear with me. I'm sleep deprived, & sleepiness is starting to kick in. I only got about 20 minutes of sleep this morning. The gang stalkers kept me up LITERALLY all night last night! I used the word "literally", for emphasis.)
What 4th of July freedom could a targeted individual celebrate, if the TI is criminalized by other citizens (with NO "authority" over that TI), just for fighting to stay on this Earth, existing & surviving? We can't even make a living. We get shunned for not being normal; yet we're blocked from participating in society, like "normal" people. Not allowed to own anything. A homeless, poor targeted individual would get shunned by a narcissistic gang stalker for listening to his/her (the target's) favorite Christian gospel hymns. We can't even have the right to a peaceful day at the beach. That warrants punishment.
What independence is there to celebrate, when online bullies shun me for rewarding myself with spending $25 on a Chilean sea bass dinner, with my OWN earned income from a temp service job? (I celebrated because I accomplished something I never in my life did. I was awarded as employee of the week from the temp service job.) & then the online perps shunned me for spending $25 to treat myself to a dinner at Ruby Tuesday for a job well done, with my OWN tax refund check. I got shunned for treating myself to a $25 steak dinner & cheesecake (also from Ruby Tuesday) with my 1st royalty check from Amazon for my Kindle ebooks. Even when I'm working & don't have to panhandle or ask for anything, I still get bullied & harassed about being a scammer & a fraud.
If I spend $1.10 disabled fare for a bus ride to the beach, what happens is, the bus drivers don't come, & they set me up to be stranded at the beach. If I don't have Uber money, I have to luck up & hitch a ride from a stranger that's already going towards the downtown Pensacola direction. The narcissistic gang stalking military kids & illegal Mexicans huddle around me & create a noise campaign to blast loud music & smoke so many fake, crusty, dirty, Satanic, evil cigarettes around me. They make SURE I don't get to get any peace! & let's not forget about the masonic perp-verts who like to monitor me while showering (of course, with clothes on. & I can't even get a thoroughly clean enough shower.) Kids stare at me like I come from planet Mars. Very uneasy & uncomfortable feeling. Humiliating.
I'm not allowed to write or publish pictures, blogs, ebooks, short stories, YouTube videos, etc. I'm not allowed to receive any thumbs up, comments or increase in subscribers on there. My Twitter & blog are both censored & shadowbanned. I'm at 594 subscribers (last I checked), & I'm forbidden to ask people to help me get to 600. Or help me get to 1,000. Then, they'll make it like I'm a loser for begging for subscribers. So, I just let the subscribers come naturally. They were so mad at me for my subscribers growing that they falsely accused me of paying for subscribers. With WHAT money, & I'm on the streets, fighting for my life? They get mad at me for TRYING to be positive & post something about Jesus Christ, the Bible, nature, good food, etc. How do I post a 20-second video about seagulls flying in the air, a pelican swallowing a fish, or frogs croaking, & then get MASSIVE thumbs down on a YouTube video? Harmless, inoffensive videos. I don't get it. But they want to maintain the false slander campaign narrative about me being a scamming beggar who complains incessantly. They don't want me to be happy. & then talk about me being so negative & miserable. Damned if I do. Damned if I don't.
I've talked about this before. I'm not allowed to be close with my twin sister or any other family members. I'm not allowed to get married or have kids. I'm not allowed to drive a car, despite having a valid, unsuspended license. I'm not allowed to have a peaceful home to live in. I'm not allowed to get married or have kids. I'm not allowed to have friends or emotional support. I'm not allowed to have a job or make a living. I'm not allowed to have a fundraiser. I'm not allowed to talk about food or ask for financial or emotional support. I'm not allowed to have a hotel or motel room for the night, just to stay safe from bad weather & get rest, shower & laundry. I'm not allowed to expose narcissistic abusers, gang stalkers or my traumas. Yet, they keep re-wounding & re-traumatizing on repeat, like a broken record, 24/7. I don't get to get a break. & online meddlesome strangers, who I have blocked, get the mentally off, slow, retarded fake pseudo-"authority" to make these fake life decisions for me. I have their accounts blocked, & they create new fake sock puppet accounts to come & harass me. They choose favoritism & shun me for doing something, but praise my twin sister for doing that exact same thing! But SHE'S the "real" Targeted Individual, though! Despite my DAILY exposure of proof!
I'm sick of people being perp apologists & telling me stuff like:
-Gang Stalkers gotta eat, too. (So do Targeted Individuals, but you shun us & make us look so crazy!)
-Gang Stalkers have families to feed. (So do targeted individuals who have offspring!)
-You can't knock a Gang Stalker's hustle & grind! (But you block a Targeted Individual's hustle & grind, though?)
& another thing. (I don't care WHO gets offended, because it's true!) Why are we Americans getting bullied for speaking out against illegal immigrants getting a better life than us? They gang stalk us, too! Foreigners (legal & illegal) can come into this country & act big-headed & arrogant once they realize that they have more freedom than us. They can make a living & run their own businesses successfully. Why aren't we Americans allowed to do that in our own country? We wouldn't be allowed the freedom or right to run a business in THEIR country! & then, foreigners treat me like I'm unwelcome in my own country, where I was born, & raised. Even my own hometown! Certain foreigners follow, stalk & harass you in their corner stores.
Legal or illegal, you don't see foreigners homeless in this country, do you? Only Blacks & Whites! & y'all KNOW it! Stop defending & worshipping foreigners & ESPECIALLY illegal immigrants & sending BILLIONS of dollars to other countries, yet shunning your OWN American people! How in the UNholy FUCK do y'all expect for children, elderly, military veterans & disabled people to suffer in prison-like shelters or on the streets? I've heard the fake excuse that Americans are lazy & don't want to work. (The same people who say this are the same people rejecting our job applications. They make our survival to be such a hurdle.) Or that illegal immigrants (Mexican, Honduran, Salvadoran, etc.) are willing to work harder for less pay. Please! Blacklisting is REAL! A Nazi, eugenics human extermination program.
Trying to get out of homelessness feels like trying to get out of a difficult maze. & if you're targeted, then they set you up & sabotage your job or reduce your work hours the moment you start feeling confident that you can start saving up for a place to live or a car. They want to keep us down. Especially us Black folks. & Black folks do their OWN kind SO grimy! 🤦♀️😭
It's AMAZING how there's always housing & jobs for illegal Mexicans, illegal immigrants & other foreigners. Asians & Middle Eastern foreigners are ALWAYS filthy rich! Asian people won't give a homeless person a dime! Mexicans give you like 25 cents when you panhandle. LEGAL Mexicans, Mexican-Americans & other legal immigrants & Americanized people who aren't Black or White (such as Japanese American), have to suffer the same way as Black & White Americans. They also share the same generosity to homeless panhandlers as Black & White Americans. If you have a roof over your head, it's ironic that the poorer you are, the more generous. I've experienced both financially well-off Blacks & Whites shunning, brickwalling or straight up ignoring me for asking for spare change.
Less people would be poor or homeless if we could still run a lemonade stand without a license or government approval. So much for FREEDOM, huh? The narcissistic, fake, retarded government want us to be owned slaves. They want Satanic, masonic illuminati companies to flourish. They don't want us having skills or being self-sufficient. They want us force dependent on the nanny state.
Remember what George Orwell said?
War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.
I hope I got that right. If I'm wrong, then correct me gently. You don't need to get all mad, with your face twisted up at me!
Hosea 4:6 KJV
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Pardon me, if you felt offended by this post. I'm speaking on personal observations & experiences. Other people in different regions of the country may have a different experience, viewpoint or outlook.
PS, I heard that all holidays are pagan & Satanic, anyway!
Update: 07/30/2022
These rich, narcissistic gang stalkers illegally suppress us from normal life, & then turn around & call us "entitled" for trying to get our lives back. They say that no one owes you a job, or that no one is going to hire you. Then, they turn around & say that you're lazy & don't want to work, & that you're "stealing" THEIR tax dollars. I'm disabled, & they're still trying to prevent me from surviving & making a living. This is DIABOLICAL!