Narcissists Pretend To Help, Then They Hurt

Yay! My 500th blog post! 

I think narcissistic abusers like these are called "communal narcissists". 

(I'm still sleep deprived, due to this targeting, so bear with me. I got some sleep last night, but it was a little better than the night before.)

Why work for the mental health crisis hotline, just to oppress, damage & abuse? But you say you're doing it to help people.

Why choose to work with people with disabilities, elderly & children, but act like you lack patience? You say you LOVE helping people. 

Why volunteer at a food bank or a homeless soup kitchen, but then you hoard all the fresh, good food for yourself & leave the expired, rotten food for the masses? & then when they get sick, they're "stupid" & had no business eating it? But you love helping people.

Why be in Christian church leadership, claiming to win souls to Jesus Christ, but you cause people to backslide or become unbelievers? 

I can't think of any more examples, but do you get what I'm saying? 

They might as well be called, "That BAD Samaritan!" Good short story title idea. 😆