Narcissists Shun Your Talents

Yep. The scapegoat's talents, gifts & skills get overlooked & shunned, while the narcissistic golden child's fake, jealous, copycat "talent" is stolen from the scapegoat. Basically, the golden child steals whatever artwork or music from the scapegoat & makes it his/her own, & then gets all the praise, recognition & money for it. 

Then, when the golden child gets the undeserved praise, recognition & money, the scapegoat is called a jealous "hater". It's just SO twisted! I've had stuff like that happen to me. 

Every time the scapegoat mentions about a piece of art, writing, music, etc., the narcissistic parent forces that scapegoat to shut up. Ex: If the scapegoat is gifted enough to draw a painting as great as Picasso, the narcissistic parent goes as far as to FORCE the scapegoat to stop showing off the painting & then proceeds to tell the scapegoat how "horrible" the painting looks. The narc parent even goes as far as to say that the scapegoat is an embarrassment to the family. They would try to FORCE the scapegoat to stop painting.

2 weeks later, the painting could come up missing because the golden child used it for an art project & then won awards GALORE! The golden child could deny it, gaslight, lie & even go as far as to say that the scapegoat stole THEIR "painting". Then lots of arguing & confusion, & then the scapegoat gets blamed.

Another scenario is that the scapegoat could draw a picture of a turtle. That gets shunned & overlooked. Really, no one cares. Only a small handful of people would probably praise the scapegoat. Maybe the ones whose minds are untainted & free from the smear campaigns. A week later, the golden child could copy off of the scapegoat & get put on billboards & magazines for 1/2 the good looks of the painting & very little effort. It even needs touch-ups & digital editing to look good, while the scapegoat's artwork is perfect, as is.

I can so much relate to this. Right now, I'm going through this. I've even heard stories about how talented targeted individuals could write a novel for free, & then the gang stalkers would plagiarize & hijack their works & then make a ton of money from it, while blocking the TI from making a living or getting paid. I think someone did a YouTube video, talking about gang stalkers shunning the Targeted Individual's talents, but I forgot who it was. The whole time, the perps falsely accuse you of being such a BAD writer, but they secretly love it enough to use it for themselves & then get paid. They have censored & banned my ebooks. Total SABOTAGE! They brainwash everyone not to support you. They feel threatened by your potential success & survival because their fake, demonic asses want to illegally maintain control & power over your life. If my writing is so bad, then why would you use it for yourself? Jealous! They want to try to FORCE me to stop writing, & then falsely accuse me of being "entitled" for trying to make a living. Star Bricker & others make false bad reviews on all my ebooks, on purpose, to deter potential readers. I give people the free will choice to donate.

Well, I don't know if the perps have stolen any of my writings, since I started blogging & doing short stories. I guess they would have the idea to do it now! 🙄 Well, hell awaits them. 

I know I don't have my stuff copyrighted. The narcissistic perps even call me stupid for not having my works copyrighted. But they already called me "greedy", "entitled" & "money-hungry" for having those Amazon Kindle ebooks published. Which is it?🤷‍♀️ I originally wanted to share them for free (which I do now, on this blog). Just click on the "non-fiction" tab. My short stories are always available on the "short stories" or "fiction" tab. 

I got NO sleep last night, so I apologize if my writing seems a little "off". Gang Stalkers sleep depriving me. I don't care if I'm sloppy right about now. I'm just tired. I had lunch food for breakfast, & I had no lunch. I didn't even get to take a nap. I'm broke & hungry. I forgot that tonight is Gallery Night. I would have to expect a lot of rudeness, abuse & rejection while panhandling.

Oh, yeah! I almost forgot this one. Fake "nice" narcissistic abusers would pretend to fake flatter you & pretend to fake praise your writing, but then when you ask them to read your latest piece of work, the get an attitude & act uninterested. They secretly go behind your back & mock/make fun of your writing. Then when you 2 have an argument, they tell you that your writing is the worst ever, & then they act nitpicky & overly critical over minute grammar mistakes. You end up shocked & hurt at the betrayal & deceit. Then YOU'RE the one who's looked at like you're crazy!

Ok. I think I'm done.