The Nagging Wife

Brenda told her husband, Eddie, about 500 times, to stop leaving his clothes on the bathroom floor after showering. She has a complaint about everything he does. At first, whatever he did was unintentional, but after awhile, he started to do everything that she hates, on purpose, just to get underneath her skin, make her mad & give her more stuff to complain about. 

She would especially harass & nitpick whenever his friends came over to visit. She would call him names, like trifling, good for nothing & lowdown, I'm front of his friends. Eddie felt underappreciated as a husband, who tried whatever he could, to keep the marriage strong. He eventually thought that Brenda was trying SO hard to manipulate him into feeling cornered to where he would have no choice but to divorce her. She was driving him to insanity. But, if he went to spend the night by his mom's house, she would falsely accuse him of cheating on her. 

He had enough & decided that he was movin' on like the R&B singer Mya. He actually said that he was movin' on up to the Eastside like the Jeffersons theme song. He didn't believe in cheating because cheating is cowardly. So, he filed for a divorce because of irreconcilable differences, they separated, & then he found himself in a condo in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, NYC. After the divorce, he found peace. No more nagging, bullying & nitpicking.