Troubled By A Fake Friend Pt. 2

Targeted Creole (@CreoleTargeted) Tweeted:

Someone must've told him what I said. Before, I thought he turned against me, like everyone else did. 

But @martyred4yah was verbally abusive towards me over the phone a few times, before, with #narcissistic lectures. He always wants to play God & try to punish people.

Targeted Creole (@CreoleTargeted) Tweeted:

I'm blocked again. I thought he was mad at me. I thought we had a good conversation last night & that we straightened everything out. Now, I'm blocked again. Everyone has been turning against me.

Targeted Creole (@CreoleTargeted) Tweeted:

Tricia made me fear that EVERYONE turned into a perp against me. #gangstalking #TargetedIndividuals

Targeted Creole (@CreoleTargeted) Tweeted:

PSA Announcement: If any of y'all didn't betray or turn against me, & I thought you did, then I apologize. Tricia turned seemingly EVERYONE against me, especially on YouTube. 

#gangstalking #TargetedIndividuals 

I thought everyone was compromised against me with #smearcampaigns

Targeted Creole (@CreoleTargeted) Tweeted:

@Martyred4YAH The phone rings once & then goes to voicemail. Maybe the perps are blocking me from trying to call you back. Then, I feel discouraged, thinking you blocked me or got mad. Then I blocked. I'm sorry.

Call me back. I can't get through.

Targeted Creole (@CreoleTargeted) Tweeted:

@Martyred4YAH I just tried to call you back. I kept thinking you were mad at me or didn't want to be bothered. Call me back.

Targeted Creole (@CreoleTargeted) Tweeted:

I'm cutting out all the abusive people in my life who have more respect for roaches, bed bugs & maggots than they do for me.

Targeted Creole (@CreoleTargeted) Tweeted:

I'm trying to whatever I can to prevent losing my sanity.

#homeless #TargetedIndividual 

I feel like I already have my hell!

Targeted Creole (@CreoleTargeted) Tweeted:

I'm SICK of people who walk around with elitist mentality!


Here's an email I sent him.

I didn't realize that that was you trying to call me last night. I called back on your new #, & it seems like I was blocked. One ring & then voicemail. I tried a few times. I even texted you & tried to reach you on Twitter.

Can you try to call me again, so we can clear up this misunderstanding? I don't want to post a long email & take up too much of your time. 

Dealing with Tricia, seemingly EVERYONE turned their backs on me & betrayed me. Everyone decided to defend & agree with her lies. Even Winnie told me that she believed Tricia over me. Tricia even linked up with my twin sister. My twin sister was going from person to person to try to smear campaign me on Twitter. I even saw her trying to approach you on Twitter. She even approached Gina. My twin sister tried to go to all of my Twitter followers, + everyone she can find in the TI community or any profile that speaks against narcissistic abuse. Trying to turn away ALL of my support! 

In May, both me & Gina thought you blocked our phone numbers. I had another falling out with Gina. I can tell you about that over the phone, too.

I was wrongfully banned from another hotel. I've been switching back & forth between the streets & hotel/motel rooms since May 15. The perps have been making death threats at me almost DAILY! May 31, I started a new permanent job. Bullied off the job within less than 2 weeks. I tried a 2nd job, which was a temp job. Got mobbed off within a few hours. I'm back on the streets. The perps have become petty & silly enough to expect me to sell out in exchange for a fucking slice of pizza!

I'm sorry that you've been going through a lot & ended up back homeless again, as well. I blocked you because I thought you blocked my number. As I said, Gina thought you blocked her #, too. 

It's been so difficult, battling my targeting on my own. Having no one to talk to. The harassment intensified after the incident with fake, retarded Tricia. It's like, as if the gang stalkers are mad at me for surviving Tricia's blood sacrifice attempt on me. She has everyone bewitched into thinking that I'm the bad guy. The witch perp demon. When it's HER! 

Perps have been calling & texting me from random different phone numbers, harassing me & making threats at me. Telephone scatalogia. I can show you the texts. I saw that unfamiliar # & was afraid to answer it. I thought you turned against me, too. I thought you were trying to ignore my tweets on Twitter. I didn't realize that that was you trying to call. I was even afraid to listen to the voicemail because I thought it was more phone harassment.

I apologize for such crazy misunderstanding & confusion. We need to talk more in depth on the phone. I basically had almost NOBODY on my side, with the situation with Tricia! She sacrificed my support & caused me to be back homeless on the streets again, since she couldn't have me killed. It's just SO MUCH! I gave up on wanting any more friends or to trust or talk to anyone because of what Tricia did. 

I saw you tell someone on Twitter your new email, in case you were wondering how I got your email. Try again to call me back.

Again, I thought EVERYONE was against me!


Blocking wars: A misunderstanding. 

I was shocked that earlier this year, he falsely accused me of perping & making money off of him & making him my meal ticket. I never was out to hurt him in the first place. Some people have suggested to me that they think HE sounds like he's a compromised perp, using projection. He turned against me, in the first place, for no reason. & he was secretive & stealthy with it. Manipulating & playing games. Telling me one thing & then secretly acting on another. I'm DONE!

Covert narcissist or compromised perp? 

& he DAMN SURE did gaslight me! I feel emotionally defeated & confused. I don't know WHAT to believe anymore! He secretly turned against me before, & led me on to think we were still friends. He was fake & dishonest throughout the whole friendship. He approached ME in the first place. Now, I'm such a nuisance. 

Here are some love bombing emails he used to send me.

1) You are a very shrewd and beautiful woman Candy. And I give praise to our Abba for blessing you with gifts. I say that to say, I love your blog. I stand with you in these last wicked days, because I too am a targeted/persecuted individual. Oh, and get this, I'm a twin too! When I tried to leave I ended up in New Orleans where they did so much shyt to me, I can't even begin to tell you! That place is wicked(no offense to you). I am glad that you are so resilient and bold as a lion for standing up fighting for the TRUTH! Fuq these fake ass targeted individuals! I know you are real and I know that you are chosen as well! One thing is for sure, you got more fake targets than there are real ones. I just had to put this one guy named "Ken Price" in check through email. He really thought that he was gonna get over on me. Nope! The holy spirit showed me a vision about his deception and fake, frail, storyline. Anyways, I'm here for you and I'm glad the MOST-HIGH allowed for me to come across your video, because its hard trying to find the real ones. You have to filter through all the fakes just to get to the real ones. Keep being the highly intelligent, bold, talented, and God-fearing woman that the MOST-HIGH of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob created you to be. Whatever I can contribute to help support you I will sistah. Peace and blessings. P. S. This was a powerful message that really hit home for these narcissistic demons! 

But he gaslit me over the phone this year, telling me that he didn't know what a narcissistic abuser is!

2) Targeted By The Psych World You are very welcome. We as the MOST-HIGH'S chosen, must help support and edify each other, because we are being persecuted together for the LORD Abraham, Issac, and Jacob's name sake. I feel your pain on the abuse and grotesque mistreatment of your foster and biological family. For that you have my deepest sympathies sistah. I too am a victim of abuse. I've been sexually molested as a kid, and they tried to groom me to become a fruity gay freemason for the entertainment industry. And yes, my family was involved the whole entire time! So I completely understand what it feels like to be an outcast in the family. However, my twin brother and I, we are similar, but very different. The only way I can put it is, the things that make us similar are the things that make us different, but the things that make us different are the things that make us the same β€” if that makes any sense. He did partake in my targeting at first when my family began drugging me and poisoning me and trying to sacrifice me to demon gods! Now our relationship is not great, but we still talk. I feel like they are doing the same thing to him now, but it they manipulated him into targeting me. So, it's all about turning each of us against one another. It's tought, but I guess I'll find out when I see his face pretty soon. For now, I am still side-eying everything he says via phone calls and text message.

3) Yeah, one thing I've noticed Candy, is this so-called targeted community are so filled with hatred and bitterness! And like you mentioned they have a very pompous/narcissistic disposition about them ninety-five percent of the time! That is because the majority of them are fake ass TI's anyways! Consequently, a lot are not deeply rooted on the MOST-HIGH of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob β€” it's insane. Just stay strong my sistah. I know it's hard, but all of these demons will reap what they sow! Peace and blessings. Shalom.

4) You are not lie'n at all. I am a California native and a Los Angeles County resident. So they do the same shyt to me with multiple cars passing by blasting eight o eight speakers! And since they know it's the Sabbath for me, they always try to disrupt me from praying or they'll try and stage something so that I can be lured into take the bait so they can justify harming me. My body is literally vibrating right now. They do it to me twenty-four seven! Please don't give up Candy, I know it is unbearable, but lean on your savior! Remember, he bore the ultimate sacrifice so that we can live. Lay your burden on him and he will give you rest. I know it's hard to remain positive, but you didn't make it this far by being weak. You are too strong for that. The best thing that helps me(all the time) when they start hitting me with those weapons, I start praying and it subsides. It doesn't stop, but it does subside. Don't give up Candy. That's right, if you do give up and sell out, they won't love you more. This is because you are chosen by the MOST-HIGH and they hate him and they hate his son who died for us. Plus, they despise his followers(us).

5) I don't give glory to anyone Candy, but you are one of my favorites! You speak the gutter truth and you don't hold back! HALLELUYAH! This is what us real ones have to unfortunately go through for our saviors name. I am glad you don't see the world with rose-colored glasses like all of the rest of these people do β€” including the fake ass TI's. Stay strong and keep killing these demons off with the righteous truth!

(He even gaslit me during that "lecture" on the phone, making it like, it was bullshit & no such thing, for me to call someone a fake TI perp.) 

Now, he acts like I'm beneath him. 

Last year, he acted like he was doubting my targeting, even after ALL I showed & told him! He acted like he was helping me find closure, & then later on, he made it like, he thinks that my story about how I became targeted is a bullshit story. He stopped wanting to hear my cries for help, & falsely made it like I was a manipulative drama queen who likes to play the victim. He bragged & admitted that he started secretly watching my twin sister's YouTube videos behind my back, even after he told me not to watch them. That's MY twin sister! You're a stranger! He also falsely accused me of doing witchcraft on him. I don't even practice witchcraft, despite being from New Orleans. 

I can't find the video, but someone by the YouTube name "Conspiracy Underground" said that I'm the only Black female targeted individual on YouTube that DOESN'T practice witchcraft or dabble into the occult. Fake ass Tricia showed me that video when I was at her house. 

Darius, you & the rest of the TI community owe me an apology. I've been innocent this WHOLE time! How can you see BLATANT footage of my targeting, & STILL doubt me? I'm fighting to FUCKING survive!

(Sorry for the change in fonts, due to copying & pasting in this post.)

Anyone who flocks to my twin sister, just because they're angry with me, is a perp!

Darius, what happened? & I know you don't care about the ADDED mental trauma you've inflicted on me! I never tried to do you anything or hurt you in the first place? It seems like you used all my traumas a weapon against me. I'm emotionally devastated. & dealing with HEAVY, disturbing unwanted, intrusive thoughts about EVERYONE who has offended me! 

At first, Darius used to make it like I could be comfortable with telling him any & everything, like he wasn't easily offended. Now, he tells me almost a year & 1/2 later, that he thought I was triggering & perping him. If I would've known, I would've respected that & not tried to say anything that personally offended him again. But certain things he told me, made me also feel like he was triggering & perping me. Attacking what I feel the most sensitive about. Like the driving issue. He also switched his ENTIRE narrative about his opinion about me. 

He's harsh & abusive. He's the one who decided to not want to be bothered with me anymore, & then mislead me on to believe we were still friends. He secretly & covertly unsubscribed from my YouTube videos long time ago, telling me that my videos were too long.

I'm glad that he did give me the best encouragement for my writings. I realized that that was even fake flattery because he would act like he didn't have time & get an attitude sometimes. He probably secretly thought I was such a horrible writer, but just strung me along & didn't want to hurt my feelings. I'm sorry that this so-called "friendship" ended the way it did. We never had a back & forth argument. It was always him yelling at me, lecturing me, telling me off about myself & making me too fearful to stand up to him & say anything back. Also, I didn't want my mental health ruined any further. He started first, with the betrayal & being FAKE! Well, typical Los Angeles natives!

So much for a RARITY of a "friend"! & yes, I AM the benediction in all of this! I can't believe that Darius can't discern who's tell the truth. He even saw evidence of my twin sister perping me & throwing up illuminati hand signs. He showed me & pointed out to me, her throwing up Satanic hand signs in her videos full of lies about me. He was telling me that my twin sister is part of the Order of the Eastern Star & that she's 1 of my main "handlers".

Darius, I thought you had an independent mind, were different from the rest & didn't follow the herd. Welcome to the "hate Candy Grandpre cult"! I'm DEVASTATED! He also treated me like I deserved to be punished with NO FRIENDS or emotional support. Wanting to narcissistically run around, trying to use the Bible to discipline & chastise people. Wanting to use "plagues" for fear mongering. 

I'm DONE with trying to seek out any new "friends"!



Update: This is the email he sent me. You called me "entitled"? That's EXACTLY what the perps say! I never knew you felt that way about me. You're fake! He stooped low enough to be a fake "friend" & play mind games with me in the first place.

This is what he said:

I wish you well, sistah. Know this: I'm different from you, because I'm not gonna stoop that low and make videos discrediting you and decimating your character. I thought I knew the real you, but YOU are the one who is a NARC! You use the traumas that you have unfortunately gone through as a weapon against folks who don't treat you according to what YOU think you're entitled to. But you fail to realize one need to treat people how you want to be treated. I just set up here and listened to you mince my words and bend them to your benefit.

I must give you your flowers, because you are VERY intelligent β€”this works in your favor when you wanna start 'web-weaving.'

All I'm trying to do is help free people from deception! And I dun already made this plain: "My divine mission is more important than my earthly purpose to exist." So the entirety of the circumstances we are all dealing with, is deeper than US! Until you realize that sistah, you won't be able to fully rise above what the evil doers have done to you; from a suckling to now.

Post Script: For the record, I NEVER contacted or have been in contact with anyone associated with your twin sister. And I've told you this way too many times. I still have respect for you to not do that, because that's not even in my gene-code. So, I'll continue to pray for you, but I AM OFFICIALLY DONE WITH CANDY GRANDPRE πŸ‘‹πŸΏ


Hi. I just got discarded by a male platonic friend, whose abuse towards me was like a controlling ex-boyfriend. 

He swooped into my life at my weakest point. Pretending to be like a rescuer. Then, once he got me comfortable, he started pulling away the rug of emotional support. 

Me & him had an off & on friendship for almost 2 years. We never had an argument, but it was always one-sided narcissistic tell-off "lectures". He's a religious narcissist. He kept his evil feelings & opinions about me. He sneakily did a lot of dirty stuff to me behind my back. Even did a YouTube video about me, calling me an "infection". He lied & said that the video wasn't about me. He got mad when I did videos about him. I'm the dirtiest one now, for exposing how he manipulated & abused me. He used my past traumas as a weapon against me. He was manipulating the friendship & gaslighting me. He pretended to be caring & understanding. I told him about how his words are so harsh that he's the type of person who would drive you to suicide or cause you to have an eating disorder. He's murderous with his words.

Yesterday was the final discard, with a nasty tell-off lecture in an email. He falsely accused me of being "entitled" & using my disability & traumas to get over on people, which isn't true. A few other people have told him about his God complex. Always wanting God to punish people with plagues. He was fake & dishonest throughout the ENTIRE fake "friendship". 

Update: 07/21/2022 

I'm still shocked & hurt. I did a few other YouTube videos, talking about his abuse, awhile back. He doesn't care how badly he emotionally damaged me. It resulted in me having to call crisis hotlines almost every day, having panic attacks. The crisis hotline workers are rude, lazy, unhelpful perps. I even had to join mental health message boards. Still, not enough help or support. A few people told me that Darius sounds like a toxic narcissist &/or a paid off sellout perp. He REALLY tricked & fooled me. & I'm constantly having unwanted, intrusive thoughts about him. He needs to go fry in hell! 

& with that tell-off email, smh! He acts 1/2 brainwashed, himself. You're the one who created war with me for no reason & then tried to deflect by telling me that the problem is bigger. All of the video evidence you saw about my targeting, & you STILL falsely accuse me of being a perp, when you're using projection, deflection & gaslighting! Very manipulative & confusing. & it's unfair for you to scapegoat me for you getting hit by a car! & I see you begging for sympathy about that on Twitter; so you're no better!

H damaged me worse than what Tricia did, & I'm still suffering homelessness because of her fake, retarded ass! I don't know how long it would take for me to eventually get over this. This is affecting my mental health. You can't be a real Targeted Individual & be that fake, 2-faced & abusive! & I'm not scared of you anymore!



Wow! I can't believe this!

This is a video he did about me.

He threatened to rebuke me & sue me. He even joined my twin sister's cult. He believes her lies now. I exposed the truth about him, & now he's slandering, just like everyone else. He sold out. Using projection. He's using the same slander campaigns about me that everyone else is using. He saw my videos about me being TRULY targeted! & he still calls me fake, a witch & a perp. He started with videos about me, first! He threatened to sue me for slander, defamation & libel, just like what the other narcissistic fake TI perps do, to discredit me. 

Darius Hollins exposed. I wish I could embed the screenshots of his siding with my twin sister.