Narcissistic Abusers & Fake "Positivity"

I've heard of some people calling it "toxic positivity". Many New Age fake narcissistic abusers always talk about being "positive", & talk about how they can't stand being around anyone who's "negative". 

But you don't know that their fake "positivity" is just a front to garner fake respect, praise & worship from society. They're EVIL AS HELL behind closed doors. They use the fake image of positivity to cover up their dirty deeds. Fake Christian narcs love to falsely preach repentance, yet they're abusive enough to make the victim feel adamant about suicidal ideation.

I've had narcissistic control freak fake friends & family just suddenly & randomly quit talking to me for no reason. Then, they decide that I'm too negative, energy-draining & complain too much. They don't care about the agonizing depression that their sudden betrayal would cause me. They hypocritically would complain to me about their problems just as much. Or they falsely accuse me of playing the victim or seeking pity, sympathy & attention. Why isn't it the case when they complain about their problems more than I do? A narcissistic control freak fake friend would tell me, "Candy, I don't wanna hear ANYTHING negative, coming out of your mouth. Only positive." Then, when I look up, they're gossiping & laughing about someone else. There could be a time when I would talk about a fun day at the beach, & they would ignore me & walk off, mid-conversation, talking about how they can't stand my negativity. I'm like, "What for? I said nothing but good things." Then, an argument ensues, & there's the unnecessary manufactured mental health crisis. They still want to maintain that false narrative I'm "negative". Then, I realized that they're using projection. THEY are the negative ones, & they're using projection. They don't have any positive opinion about me.

Remember that article I wrote about the fake narrative change?

You kick a friend down at their lowest of suffering & avoid them when they're hurting the most. Then you falsely accuse your emotionally hurting friend of being manipulative for sympathy & pity. You would say something insensitive like that, right when my cousin got shot & killed! 

Fake friends & this mentally slow, crazy biological family would falsely accuse me of being "negative", yet they would be abusive, retarded bullies for no reason. 

The fake foster mom Ann (Adrienne Felder) even tried to falsely say that I was "negative" & always complaining & that I need to think about something positive to talk about. This was the same lady who would threaten to knock all my teeth out for being excited about people's birthdays. The same lady who wouldn't allow me any friends. The same lady who put me in the gang stalking program. The same lady who would be hostile, vicious & abusive for so many years. The same lady who deprived me from everything GOOD in life & would keep me eternally punished. The same lady who smear campaigned me as schizophrenic & delusional once I became vocal about her abuse. The same lady who way taking all my money. The same lady who turned my twin sister against me.

Oh, & these deluded fake people think that speaking the truth about New World Order conspiracies makes you negative & unhealthy.

Update: 08/08/2022

I see narcissistic abusers who are fake YouTube subscribers who thumbs down any topic I talk about that they feel is "negative". Trying to control & restrict my 1st amendment rights. Freedom of speech & expression. They want to try to FORCE me to stop talking about gang stalking. Yet, they're the #1 fake asses who lie & say that I'm not a real Targeted Individual. They thumbs up, defend & agree with any fake videos of perps who mock & slander me. Just FAKE!