Narcissistic Fake "Experts" Online

They get underneath my skin! They think they're the smartest people in the world. They delusionally believe they're "qualified". They try to write fake blog articles, telling people how to live or what they should be doing.

"Experts" trying to dictate how long you should be in the shower for. "Experts" trying to dictate how many times a week you should eat meat. "Experts" trying to tell you why you should never go to bed with wet hair. & so on & so forth.

If someone wants to spend an hour in the shower in the privacy of his own home, why should you get mad at him & call him wasteful, if he's paying that water bill, anyway? Don't call it outrageous or egregious because YOU think he should only spend no more than 5 minutes in the shower! 

Why are you judging someone for taking long showers? Have you considered the fact that someone can't take a short shower because she's disabled?