Star Bricker's False Bad Reviews

Here, again, is my Amazon Kindle profile.

1) Gang Stalked & Targeted by the Psych World

Delusional Paranoia in Print
Reviewed in the United States on November 19, 2020
I read this from the internet free. It is not worth paying for. Promoting mental illnesses as "reality" is a slippery slope. While they need support, it should be given in ways that do not condone their delusions. What is described in this pamphlet is just not real. It has no basis in reality. To be believable, anyone who wears a red shirt or drives a white vehicle is a Satanist, receiving money to merely drive past the author and annoy her. Or playing music louder than she likes. Or leaving the headlights on during the daytime, even though that is a standard safety measure on cars for around 20 years. The author does not understand much of what triggers her. Seeing the same car at the same place at the same time is surely a plot against her, not someone who has a regular work schedule driving to the same workplace from the same residence. No sense is used at all, common or otherwise.
The writing is awful, the style childish, and it is a waste of money because the author also promotes it as a free file online. Safe yourself time, money, and properly functioning brain cells, and look for something else.

2) Narcissistic Abusers

Another pamphlet for fundraising.
Reviewed in the United States on April 23, 2021
The contents of this "book" are not worth the time time it takes to get through the links on a single page. This is not a book, it is a bunch of links and random spouting from someone trying to fund-raise for herself to live in a Gulf Coast town above her income. The author makes claims and links to videos made by her, of her making claims with no evidence of anything other that she cannot understand normal life. It has no real writing style, nor does it contain anything useful. It is not even organized well. If you do not follow the links, it can be "read" in five minutes. If you do follow the links, it takes many hours and you won't be anymore knowledgeable about the subject matter than when you start. It is a waste of time and effort, for both you and the author.

3) Let It Go!: My Path to C-PTSD Healing

Healing? Hardly.
Reviewed in the United States on April 25, 2021
Wow. If you want to read this for encouragement, thinking it's a book of someone who has overcome, don't. There is no healing in this booklet. The author itemize the reasons and events that made her feel abused, and then tries to rationalize her lack of healing. She is not healed, she is not healing. While I don't doubt she was abused, or her feelings, there is too much paranoia working in her mind now to think healing has begun. Her reasoning is off, and she misunderstands social interaction and adult life. All coated in religion. She also can't see the disconnect between claiming C-PTSD, a psychiatic/psychological diagnosis, and saying psychiatry is wrong. It's a booklet of duplicity. A real case of "do as I say and not as I do" kind of book. It is a confused and confusing mess.
There is one piece of advice that the author gives that is helpful, the TITLE. Let it go.

4) Disabled, Homeless, Invisible

Intolerence and name-calling
Reviewed in the United States on April 27, 2021
This is written in the same formula as most of the author's previous attempts: fundraising, links to the author's videos, and then poorly written inflammatory stories. In the interest of disclosure, I am mentioned as giving "false" reviews, although my reviews truly reflect my opinion of the writing and researching. Had my full name been used, I would be asking for removal of at least that paragraph, likely for the removal of the entire book. That she mentions by name several persons and organizations that have tried to help the author, most in an intolerant, abhorrent manner would likely be problematic to anyone involved in the publication. There is a disclaimer that the book is not for children or the sensitive. This is true. It's not for anyone. The premise of the book is that the author is homeless and everyone she has met along the way is part of a paid program to harass her with rules of behavior. Or color. Or noise. Or dirt. That she causes trouble everywhere she seems to go...well if everyone said the sky was blue but you think it is orange, YOU would be wrong, not the rest of the world.
This book is poorly written, poorly edited, and repugnant in it's treatment of people who are different. All while broadcasting that the author has no sense of self. I cannot even give her points for being somehow "outsider." It has no redeeming values at all. That it can remain published is likely because the people and organizations named within won't ever see it.

5) She got this ebook + the "Narcissistic Abusers" ebook wrongfully blocked, but I was able to restore the NA ebook.

You can put this in the nationwide catalog of "banned books". She maliciously waited at least 2 months to start attacking all of my ebooks, trying to get them taken down, just like my YouTube channels. 

6) I was forced to unpublish my fiction ebooks on Amazon Kindle because she kept attacking my writing. False bad reviews to deter people from wanting to buy them, just because I exposed her gang stalking activities in my 1st ebook.

Here are all my short stories.

Also, look at my Good Reads profile. She wasn't the only 1, but other online gang stalkers copied off of her & followed suit, including my mentally off, slow, retarded dyke ass twin sister!

Nothing but false bad reviews from obsessed, narcissistic, jealous gang stalkers trying to destroy & sabotage my way of trying to make a living. I shouldn't have to go get an employment slave job. I have a whole Bachelor's degree. Blacklisted & workplace mobbed. They attack & try to destroy my finances. Bragging about keeping me homeless. I shouldn't have to be forced to suffer homelessness!

I also added this to the FICTION tag, since her false bad reviews are full of lies. 62 years old is too old for this shit!
