Filipina Jazzy On YouTube

This is her YouTube channel.

She's supposedly a Targeted Individual. I've been seeing her around since 2019. She used to calls herself "Jazzy Filipina". 

I tried to be supportive of her. I understand that she's in the Philippines. If you comment on her channel, her response is, "This insane bad technology program! I fight for my freedom." 

She recently did a video, showing about herself getting a fake COVID-19 booster. My response was, "Nooooooo!" Then, she deleted my comment & probably blocked me. She even got her 2 sons vaccinated. Quite a few of us tried to warn her.

How do you claim to be fighting for your freedom, yet enslave yourself & family by getting jabbed? 

Now, I'm angry & have been having unwanted, intrusive OCD thoughts about her. Her face & name is violently forcefully unwanted & intrusive in my mind.