The Surprise Baby Shower

Sonya Fresher is expecting a baby boy. Her 1st child. She doesn't know that her cousins & their friends are secretly planning a baby shower for her after they get off from work. It's not a traditional baby shower because they don't plan to follow the typical baby shower "rules".

They rented space at a hall for the evening & decorated it in advance. Sonya has been documenting her natural pregnancy on her blog, called "Black Natural Mama". She keeps a low profile. She doesn't want to be YouTube, TikTok or Instagram famous. She hopes to get to have a natural at home water birth. After the baby is born, she's planning to also document the natural care of her son in her open blog diary. 

Picture that Sonya went through this entire pregnancy with no doctor involved. She's aware of Big Pharma & also how evil doctors & nurses can be. She doesn't want her baby to die in a hospital. She's terrified of epidurals. 1 of her cousins had a stillborn. Another cousin's friend had a sibling who died right after being born in hospital care. 

Sonya stayed physically active & ate organic & healthy during her entire pregnancy. She consumed a lot of coconut oil & rubbed it on her belly every chance she got. People were amazed, yet envious at her glowing essence & lack of stretch marks. 

It was time for the baby shower. Her cousin, Gabbie, tricked her into thinking she was just going to take her out to eat at a seafood restaurant. She kept telling Sonya, "Be ready! Make sure you look really good!" 

(Well, there was a seafood restaurant that was right across the street from the rented hall space.) Everyone went to the hall. Sonya didn't realize until all those people were at the hall, that there was a surprise baby shower for her. Unfamiliar faces of people were getting out of cars, vans & trucks. They didn't care about getting backlash or flack for inviting men & boys, also. It was like another birthday party. 

When everyone walked into the hall, Sonya was scared. She was hoping that Gabbie didn't trick her into going to a stranger's mystery funeral or nothing. She felt a sigh of relief. She started looking around the room & saw loads of gifts in the corner. She was elated! She KNEW that baby shower was for her! 

Some gifts were for a baby girl, & others were gender neutral. The majority of the gifts were for a boy. Some people couldn't spell her name right, & they put "Sonya Fisher" on the greeting cards. 

A few games were played, people socialized, & lots of gourmet food was served & eaten. The music was spectacular! After awhile, you would've thought it was a wedding reception, with all the partying, dancing & having a good time. 

The baby shower was 3/4 of the way over, & her husband, Theodore (Theo), came to the shower late because he was stuck in bad traffic after an 18-wheeler broke down & hogged up the interstate. Theo made it JUST IN TIME! Sonya's water broke, & that baby was READY! 

Theo was telling everybody, "Hold up! Hold up! This came too fast! Somebody please! Somebody run to K-Mart right quick & go get my wife a big kiddie pool. She said she wanted to have her 1st baby in water. Please honor our requests."

Everyone around started praying for the unexpected childbirth to turn out as newly planned. Theo's dad ran to get the biggest size kiddie pool he could find. Their prayers were answered. The cousins & friends dragged a hose inside & filled the kiddie pool up with water. A midwife came on the scene & helped give birth to a healthy baby boy. They used the name game, that they played earlier, to decide on the boy's name. They decided to name him, "Obadiah Titus Fresher". 

After Obadiah was born, there was his birthday party. So the plan worked out. Everyone partied & celebrated all night. 

Church service was the next day, & there was another celebration & more gifts. Some church members helped put together the new bed. They bought Baby Obie a baby walker & everything he needed for at least his 1st year of life. Sonya & Theo were set! They didn't have to worry about anything. Sonya decided to breastfeed & also use natural cloth diapers. The outpouring help & love received was BEAUTIFUL! Sonya kept documenting her natural health baby diary on her blog.