Everyone Wants My New Phone Number

Lately, since I have my new phone number, now everyone wants to covet my new #. They make me out to feel like a terrible person when I refuse to give it to them. They do it under the guise of wanting to help me with resources to try to get out of my homeless situation. 

They start up a conversation with me, asking me nosy questions, trying to extract information out of me. They ask for my phone number, & then they never call me. 

They do the same with pictures. They pretend to be fake "friendly". Start up a conversation. Then, they ask me if they can take a picture of me. They make it like I'm being "inappropriate" when I ask them for a copy. Some people say that those pictures are used for the dark web for human trafficking.

After what the telephone scatalogia sex trafficking perp did to me, as well as the hell-faced ugly crazy dirty demon Alex du Pre', fake retarded Tricia (Patricia Jerome) AKA the Haitian abortion slut & illegal Voodoo blood sacrifice queen, Star Bricker AKA Shits Yuckteen K, Jessica Ricketts-Holness AKA J. Demon Rotten Shit & others have done, I'm not letting my guard down about giving people my number anymore. Not even to people professing to be targeted individuals. I'm not publicizing this new # online! 

You never know when a targeted individual is going to flip on you. They get narcissistic & controlling. Then they start to to try to act like a perp & violate & disrespect all of your sensitive traumas & triggers as a way to try to punish you & teach you a lesson once you publicly expose them starting to act funny. 

Here are 2 videos I did today.

