My Fake IDMR Cult Experiences

Reference these 2 YouTube videos. The Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research 

I did this video in 2020.

I did this one somewhere between 2012 & 2015. I forgot when. I shouldn't have ever taken the video down. It was getting views, too. I was getting attacked & getting a lot of hate from the cult members. I took the video down because of fear of what the abusive, fake foster mom or her family members would do. Or what my twin sister would do. I didn't have as much knowledge on gang stalking as I do now, but I had some knowledge about it back then. Finding out about gang stalking helped me become more courageous & less fearless, even though I do still get scared sometimes.

Make sure you look at the description box of both videos.

In late 2020/early 2021, someone found me on YouTube & asked me about my experience with the cult. He got mad at me & went AWOL on me because I didn't have much to say about the cult, itself. 

My main abuse experiences come from the foster mom. In the near future, I'm planning on doing a post, talking about how she ran her own household like a cult. People shun or don't believe me talking about my experiences, & they falsely accuse me of playing the victim & lying for pity. Why would I lie about this?

It was a boring cult. Forced to go to "class" 3 times a week. Sometimes auxiliary class. Also, Sunday School. They had picnics/seminars & conventions. That's where the foster mom's abuse was the WORST! Her busting my lip with expensive rings (on her fingers), just for telling someone, "Look at my new shoes!" when I was 7 years old. I believe that was when we went to Houston, TX. 

Just like the Masonic smelly Craft family, the foster mom Adrienne Felder had her biological family members & the fake IDMR cult members to stalk & spy on my every move & then go back & report everything back to her. Even if it was LIES! The foster mom forbade me to call an adult a liar. When I was a child, she DEMANDED that I respect adults over 18; yet she encouraged her new foster children, being minors, to disrespect & abuse me. 

The cult would falsely claim that they're different from the rest of the world, yet they would steal mainstream gospel artists's songs & then lie, saying that the gospel artists stole the songs from them.

Here are some of the songs.

They even stole songs from Donnie McClurkin & Kirk Franklin. 

The cult had a certain dress code. Business attire. 

Lots of elitism & favoritism.

Nearly EVERYONE in the cult was a messy bully or fake "nice". Some of them were stuck up. Less than 8 genuine good people in the cult. Sounds sort of like the TI community, huh?

Ushers wouldn't let you use the restroom. Just like grade school. 

Many cult members hated my guts & kept a distance from me because of the foster mom's smear/slander campaigns. What's the point of being part of a religion where nobody likes you? & then, I have to deal with the same thing with so-called "Christians" trying to use the Bible to manipulate, control, abuse & tear me down.

Here's a fiction short story I did, talking about what the cult is like.

Here's a Lipstick Alley thread about it.