Narcissists & Their HARSH Words

They love to insult you with the harshest words that they could find. They know how to tear you down & make you feel SO hopeless, useless & worthless. Their words are lethal enough to drive someone to a panic attack, an emotional meltdown, the mental hospital or even outright SUICIDE! & you lose all your support & friends after surviving a suicide attempt. The world loses ALL FORMS of respect for you.

Those fake "friends" act like flying monkeys. The hell you're put through during the aftermath of surviving the attempt makes you wish you would've succeeded at killing yourself, especially if you're lost & don't have faith in a higher power. (I'm speaking on my past attempts. I'm not feeling this way right now. Now that I know the truth about Jesus Christ & the Bible, I have a better understanding about these narcissistic abusers. I don't want to be suicidal nowadays, because I don't want to go to hell.) 

Narcissistic Abusers hurt you with their words that haunt you & linger for YEARS! & you can never get any closure because nobody wants to hear it. Not even a PAID therapist. Now THAT'S a waste of your money!

They either hurt you via cruel insults via bullying, harassing & laughing at you, mocking you -OR- they hurt you when they force you to sit through a 4-hour lecture session, trying to tell you off about yourself. They even DEMANDINGLY ask you questions to see if you were paying attention. (Either over the phone or in person. & in person, they force you to stand up for 4 hours, while they sit down. & they won't even allow you a bathroom break. But when they falsely accuse you of something, they brick wall you & don't wanna hear your explanation of what truly happened). Covert narcissists pretend that the so-called fake "friendship" is PERFECT & that everything is OK, but then you're shocked when they give you an insulting lecture for 4 hours, telling every single nitpicky little problem that they have with you.

Narcissistic Abusers LOVE to point in your face with the lectures, threats & tell-offs, like you're a naughty little child, & they DARE YOU to rise up against them! That's when they get violent & start to deck you, punch, pinch, slap, etc. Or they use jail threats or threats to get you to locked up in the mental institution. They talk about how society should lock you up & throw away the key. (Even if they're younger than you.) What does it look like for a 21-year old to lecture & tell off a 45-year old? Just because YOU think that the 45-year old is mentally slow or crazy? I'm 39, but I'm the only 1 I know who gets treated this way. ZERO respect! & I'm the only 39-year old who gets disrespectfully called "little girl". Other narcs say that people have a right to treat me this way. The Lord Jesus Christ wouldn't approve. Yet, you call yourself a Christian!

Even secular narcissistic abusers lie & say, "I'm an atheist, & even 'I' know the Bible better than Candy?" How? By a a quick Google search, since you don't carry a Bible around? Why try to quote something you claim you don't believe?

When typing, narcissistic abusers LOVE to use exclamation points & all caps. In person, they LOVE to raise their voice & yell. They're eternally angry, yet call you "miserable" after they robbed you of your livelihood.

Narcissistic Abusers reverse it on you, lying & saying that YOU'RE the narcissist/demon!

They act like they have the authority to try to play the God game & judge & issue out punishments.

I'm not sure if I wrote on this topic already before.

Excuse me for being sleep deprived.

I started working on this topic on Saturday October 15, 2022.

I'm hoping that my own experiences & topics about narcissistic abuse can help others connect more dots & relate. I'm not a life coach, & I don't ever intend to be one. I'm just sharing my experiences with the world. I will keep writing more about narcissistic abuse.